Mackenzie tried to keep her breathing calm. Her hands from shaking. Carson might see. He might get suspicious that she had figured out his ruse.

The fact that the drone was in Indianapolis and Carson just got back from there couldn’t be a coincidence. And after last night, Mackenzie wondered why she and Nora had so easily agreed to get into a vehicle that could be attacked by a cybercriminal.

Carson might not actually be Nebulous 2.0. He might instead be the insider working with the hacker. Carson parked at the Hanstech building. Other than security service vehicles, the parking lot was empty. Employees were encouraged to use the weekends to recharge and discouraged from working outside of official office hours. As a result, projects were less stressful and always completed early.

At least that’s the mantra her father had pushed.

“You ladies can wait here or come in with me. I’m sorry I need to make this stop before heading home.”

Relief swept through Mackenzie. She needed to get her sister alone to warn her.

“I need to get something from my office, so I’ll go too,” Nora said.

“Are you sure? I’ll just be a second.” Carson looked over at Nora, love in his eyes.

“I’m going too.” Nora leaned over and gave him a quick peck.

Was he truly in love with her? Or was he just a great actor? Poor Nora. Mackenzie didn’t know how to tell her, but she had to do it.

Carson climbed out, and Nora glanced back at Mackenzie. “Are you staying or coming too?”

“I’ll come with you.” If Carson was going to take only a few moments, then Mackenzie had to warn Nora quickly. They were in danger.

Mackenzie grabbed her laptop, hopped out of the vehicle, and followed Nora. She needed to get her sister alone. A simple text accusing Carson wouldn’t be appropriate.

Nora and Carson headed down the long hallway to their offices. Carson winked and then took another hallway, where he stopped at his office door while Mackenzie followed Nora past the secretary’s desk and into her office.

Mackenzie shut the door behind her and rushed forward. “Nora.”

She swallowed the lump in her throat. This could be a total mistake, but she had to convince her sister to listen.

Nora sat at her desk and opened a drawer and searched it.

“Listen, remember last night. You’re not out of danger yet.”

“It seems surreal. I can’t believe it even happened. I’m so relieved Carson came home. If only he’d been here last night.”

Mackenzie searched for the right words.

Lord, help me!She glanced at the door. Would Carson come charging in at any moment? What did he have planned for them? Maybe he would continue with his ruse since he didn’t realize Mackenzie had figured him out.

Nora lifted a prescription bottle and opened the cap. “I just want to forget.”

That’s what she’d been searching for in the drawer? Mackenzie stepped closer. “What is that? What are you taking?”

“Just Valium.” Nora popped one of the pills, then returned the bottle to the drawer and locked it.

“This has gone on long enough. You know you’ve been scared for a long time. You told me everything last night, including about the missing—”

Nora’s glare stopped Mackenzie’s words.

“Nora, listen, I found the drone.” Sort of.

“You found it?” She walked around the desk to be closer to Mackenzie. “Where is it?”

She could let Nora come to her own conclusion. Mackenzie reached for a pen and pad on Nora’s desk and wrote down the information. “Here are the coordinates.”