The phone rang, and Maci answered as her son crawled out of her lap and back to his coloring book. Maybe she should be more social with other employees and could learn something that way, though it was doubtful. Plus, she didn’t need them asking questions, and she certainly didn’t want to tip off the insider. Though it would seem the cybercriminal behind the threat already knew she was here.

Mackenzie left Maci and Cleo and entered Nora’s office again, only to find her sister on the phone. Nora was now the acting CEO. Honestly, she wasn’t sure what position Nora held before. Regardless, Nora had to be feeling the pressure. The proverbial changing of the Hanstech guard seemed to be happening so fast. Rowan hadn’t been dead even a week.

Why had Nora called her into her office? Unease crept up Mackenzie’s spine as she lowered into a chair.

Nora ended the call, clearly on edge.

“How long will searching for hackers take? Per your request, I haven’t alerted our cybersecurity team about possible intrusions. It seems to me you would want to work with them.”

“I do at some point. Without their help, it could definitely take too long.”

“Then why not ask for the help?”

“Though Hanstech isn’t connected to the Internet, there are a few other ways someone can get into your system, but it’s usually always someone on the inside or someone who gets to someone on the inside to facilitate the breach. It could even be one of your cybersecurity people. I want to rule that out before we bring them on, if it comes to that.” Mackenzie scooted to the edge of her seat and leaned forward, putting on her experienced professional face in case Nora only saw her as a lost, confused little girl. “I have the skills to do this, and I won’t let you down. But I need to know the real stakes here.” At the moment, she could only guess.

“What have you learned so far?”

Ah.Avoid the question by asking one of your own.Good one, Nora. “I doubt you would understand half of what I told you.”

“Talk to me like you would talk to a client.” Nora was on edge. She was a stressed-out CEO today. Not Mackenzie’s sister. Make that a scared, stressed-out CEO.

Mackenzie hadn’t been working on it long enough to say for certain there was no evidence of an attack. But she knew enough to tread carefully. She sighed. “You’re wasting my time.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You asked for my help, but you’re not letting me in. You haven’t told me everything I need to know so that I can help. I can save Hanstech.” And protect you from facing the same fate Rowan suffered. “Please.”

“I’ve told you all I can tell you.”

Mackenzie rubbed her forehead and bit back her frustration. Letting her this far into Hanstech had been a big step for Nora, especially if she was afraid because she believed someone was monitoring her actions. Or perhaps even controlling her? Blackmailing her? How did Mackenzie help Nora beyond what she was trying to do here?

She studied Nora’s expression. What are you thinking?

Fear sparked in Nora’s gaze before she narrowed it. There it was. She still didn’t trust Mackenzie. “Please, learn what you can with what I’ve given you.” Nora held her gaze, her eyes filled with an emotion Mackenzie couldn’t read.

Is there a hidden message in her words?Or was Mackenzie reading too much into her expression? She was seeing cryptic messages everywhere and having weird dreams to top them off.

Before she could say more, Nora continued. “In the meantime, remember that this afternoon is team building.”

No. Oh, please, no.She loathed those activities. “Is it really necessary? I don’t want to lose my focus.”

Nora nodded. “Remember your need to blend in and not stand out? Besides, if I’m not here, you’re not here.”

“What do you mean? Are you saying you don’t trust me?”

“I trust you. But I don’t want any questions later, in case this all goes wrong and your past comes up.”

The vault of emotions—regret, anger, and hurt—burst open, and Mackenzie bolted from the chair. She stepped closer to Nora’s desk, unwilling to back down. Even if Nora stood right next to her looking over her shoulder at the computer screen, she wouldn’t know what Mackenzie was up to, so her request was absurd. But Mackenzie wasn’t about to bring that up. “You do know that I was a kid. Those records are sealed. The past shouldn’t come up. It’s those same skills that can help you. Help us. Tell me who you’re trying to protect.”

Nora’s shoulders sagged, and she averted her gaze to the panoramic window displaying a vast rich green forest and, beyond, snowcapped mountains. Her sister moved to the window and released a long breath.

“I’m sorry,” Nora said. “You can’t understand what it’s like to try to live up to Dad’s reputation, and now Rowan’s. The legacies they left behind. Both had powerful, dynamic, and explosive personalities.”

That’s not me ... Mackenzie thought she heard what Nora wasn’t saying.

Compassion flooded her, and she stood next to her sister. “What are you talking about? You’re every bit the powerhouse as either of them. You can do this. That is, if you want to. But more than that ... tell me what more is going on.”

Nora squeezed Mackenzie’s hand in warning. Mackenzie squeezed it right back, reassuring her sister.