He raced between the trees, jumping over logs and scrambling around the bottom of a dirt pile to climb up the ladder on the back side of the Hitachi excavator. He chose this over the dump truck because of the arm. Plus, Dad’s cousin, Ned, had taught Nathan how to use one back when he was clearing property. That, and he’d learned to drive a combine during harvest. All part of living in the country.

The cab rested at the top behind protective glass. If that door was locked, no way would Nathan break through it. Unless he could shoot a hole in it, but even that might not work since it had a ballistic rating to protect it from flying debris. Even so, he wanted to avoid drawing attention to himself so he could use the element of surprise to his advantage.

The door popped open, and he slipped into the seat and found the key in the ignition. Heavy equipment didn’t have unique keys but used universal keys. One key started them all. Nathan breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t have time to hot-wire the thing.

The helicopter was already starting to descend.

He started up the excavator, which rumbled to life, the sound competing with the helicopter rotors. He noticed a few looks coming from the men holding Erin, Celia, and Holly. The excavator started forward slowly, and Nathan steered toward the beam of light from the helicopter while maneuvering the levers to lift the boom high.

Bullets pinged the cab. One hit the glass and merely chipped it. If only he could reach over and safely grab the women with the bucket and carry them to shelter. Gunfire continued from all angles, and Nathan might need to escape the excavator before someone climbed up here and yanked him out. Several men still surrounded the women and suddenly rushed them to the right and out of sight.

A new landing spot for the helicopter? The chopper’s lights had moved in that direction as well. Nathan headed toward the light slowly crawling across the ground, but this time the helicopter beat him to the punch and landed. He couldn’t let it take off with the women. He ground his molars and accelerated, heading directly for the chopper. Then he maneuvered the boom to reach out and forward.

As soon as the blades of the helicopter connected with the raised bucket, Nathan grabbed the keys, climbed down, and dashed away from the equipment. Metal twisted behind him. The concussive force of an explosion shoved him forward. Face in the dirt, he knew he’d achieved at least one goal. The helicopter was toast.

The excavator too, but ... lives were at stake.

He scrambled back to his feet and sprinted behind the giant tires of the dump truck, his gun ready.

Sirens resounded in the night, echoing through the trees and off the mountains.


Except the henchmen had another plan of escape. Their vehicles circled around and accelerated toward the one road out of here. Still, he couldn’t be sure they wouldn’t somehow escape before law enforcement arrived. Nathan climbed into the dump truck near the exit and started it up with the same key. The truck bounced and lumbered as he backed up until it blocked the path out.

The three fleeing vehicles swerved to a stop. He’d effectively cut them off. But his initial dread that they would use the women as hostages remained in play.

He climbed from the truck and aimed his weapon as he approached the vehicle holding the women. “Police. Get out of the car and slowly put down your weapons.”

Another helicopter approached the area. This time it must be SWAT. Someone to help. Nathan didn’t lower his weapon, trusting backup had finally arrived.

The helicopter landed and men in tactical gear rushed forward.

Relief flooded Nathan. But until he held Erin in his arms, he wouldn’t trust that it was over. Not yet.

The mobsters in all three vehicles got out, their hands lifted. Holly and Celia also got out, though Celia stumbled forward and collapsed. Seeing the blood on her shirt, Nathan rushed to help her. “You’re hurt.”

“Don’t worry about me. Erin. He took Erin. Find her.”