“Then why do you do it?”

She studied him. Why did he want to know? “To find the answers, Nathan. It’s the same for cold cases. Answers bring closure. And that’s what we’re hoping to do today.” She pushed the car door open, but he grabbed her hand and prevented her from stepping out.

“Erin, wait. Promise you’ll tell me everything about Seattle when we’re done here.”

She nodded but didn’t voice promises she might not keep. Nathan released her hand, then he got out too and joined her on the other side of the silver rental sedan.

“I’m worried about you,” he said.

“You have enough to worry about with your father and this case.” She crossed her arms and glanced at the neighborhood houses and the old trees that lined the street, spreading out their branches to give shade.

Nathan jammed his hands into his pockets and stood next to her. She released a slow breath and relaxed. She was glad she’d been with Nathan when she got that call. Standing next to him now, she felt safe and protected. And really, through all of it, even in the face of his own trials, Nathan had been there for her.

But she shouldn’t start depending on him too much, not like she was at the moment, because, well, Nathan deserved better than her. He deserved someone who didn’t carry the weight of a dark past.