The tall, slender woman started down a set of stairs. Dark stairs. No sconces. “This is the crypt,” she said.

Erin ran a finger over the cold stone but remained at the top of the stairs. “How do you know so much about this place?”

“They offer tours certain hours and days of the week.” Holly continued down.

“During the week with the lights on.”

“No one will find us down there. They won’t even look.” Holly’s voice echoed up the stone staircase, but Erin could barely see her face as she disappeared deeper into the crypt.

This was where Erin had to put her foot down. “Are you kidding? That’s because no one wants to go down into a dark crypt, including me. I’m waiting here for Nathan. I can’t stay down there. Please, Holly, let’s just wait up here.”

Holly took a few steps up so the light from the sconces illuminated her face. “If you understood who you were dealing with, you’d come with me.”

“Then why don’t you tell me who we’re dealing with.” Erin had the feeling that Holly knew much more, but she was simply too afraid to say.

“A killer.” Holly didn’t add more.

“I won’t leave Nathan behind.” She’d made a mistake in coming this far.

Holly’s features were drawn. “I can’t force you, but I’ve done all I can. You won’t see me again. I have to disappear. Do not mention my name to the police when they arrive.”

“Wait, how can I contact you?” She didn’t want to lose contact with Holly, but she couldn’t keep her here.

“I’ll contact you.”

Erin shared her cell number with Holly. Would she even remember it? Holly took a step back into the shadows, then disappeared down the stairs. Erin hugged herself. Another door creaked somewhere from deeper in the crypt. Holly obviously knew her way around the cemetery and the church as well as the underground tomb.

Come on, Erin, you’re a psychologist. Creepy old crypts, catacombs, whatever, shouldn’t scare you.

She recited a few Bible verses in her mind, trusting they would bring the peace she sought.

I will be with you when you pass through the waters, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. You willnot be scorched when you walk through the fire, and the flame will not burn you.

Can I add gunfire and cemeteries to that, Lord?

A sound down the stairwell drew her attention. Rodents probably made their residence down there, a thought that caused a shiver to crawl over her. When she’d insisted on coming to Boston with Nathan, she hadn’t imagined such a scenario.

God, why is this happening?

Erin crept toward the front of the church as she considered what to do next. Footfalls pounded along the path outside the church door. Nathan? Because if it wasn’t Nathan, then she should have followed Holly, after all. She eyed the back of the church where the dark stairwell led down to the crypt.

The church door burst open, and Nathan rushed in. “Erin!”

Relief whooshed through her. She closed the distance, and he caught her in his arms.

“I was so worried!” Erin soaked in his warmth and strength.

“It’s over.” He eased back and gripped her arms, looking into her eyes. “I got your text that you were in the church. The police are here now.”

“And the shooter?”

“In the wind.”

Escaped? So it wasn’t truly over, and they were still in danger.