“I might just hang out there at the ranch, watching out for you.”

“We could do more research on your father’s crime board and see if we can find answers. Terra will be there, and maybe Jack can join us. Alex too.” She wanted to add, “Just like old times,” but that was pushing it.

“I’d rather focus on this man who is trying to kill you and the link to what happened in your past. That’s the bigger threat here.”

Could the man who took Missy that night have truly found Erin? Could she finally get answers?

Was Missy ... Was she even still alive? Erin couldn’t imagine that she was, but if she’d survived, Erin hoped and prayed that Missy had found a new life somewhere safe and sound—and far from the nightmares that had chased Erin most of her life.

He pulled into the driveway and waved at the deputy sitting in his vehicle. Before Erin got out, he grabbed her hand. “Don’t go anywhere. Just stay right here at the house. I won’t be long. Promise me.”

“Okay. I promise.”

Delmar stepped off his porch and waved.

Nathan laughed. “I’m glad you have friends who can help keep you safe.”

Great. “What about you, Nathan? You need to stay safe too. You’re in as much danger as I am.”

“Maybe, but my fellow deputies and detectives have my back.”

She could see in his smile that he’d made the right decision sharing everything, despite his father’s warning. That had to be so hard, considering he coveted his father’s approval. She’d always known that, even before he’d recognized it himself.

“Still, you’re in danger. Your dad was shot. They know you’ve been looking into his cases. You’re a target.”

“Tonight, then, we’ll talk about our concurrent investigations.”

“I’ll see you in a while.” She opened the door and headed toward the porch. When she turned around to wave, she realized Nathan had followed her.

What was he doing? Her breath hitched.

Oh, Nathan...

Now that he knew everything about the night Missy was taken, she realized it shouldn’t have been difficult to open up. Except she’d worked so hard to change her identity, change who she was both on the outside and the inside, but her effort hadn’t made much difference. In the end, it all came crashing back anyway.

She couldn’t be sure she wouldn’t leave him again, so how could she ask Nathan to take that risk with her?

Okay. Just. Stop. Thinking. No decisions should ever be made during a time of crisis.

At the door, Erin stared at the welcome mat.

Lord, I don’t even know who I am anymore. Erica Weeks or Dr. Erin Larson?