The weapon broke free with a loud pop, and I tossed it to the ground over my shoulder.

“Nice one, rookie,” Bantia said. She was below me and to my left, tackling the next weapon.

“Thanks.” At least someone appreciated my skills.

Using my claws, I dug into the wall and used the weight of my Titan to slice my way down to the next opening. This one was actively firing, so I lowered my arm to the corner and shot a grenade inside.

Three seconds later, the weapon exploded, mid-fire, the blast twice the size it would have been otherwise. The wreckage exposed an additional section of the bunker wall, blasting off the thick metallic shielding to reveal a series of weight-bearing structures that reminded me of trusses beneath a roof. Except thick. Heavy. Indestructible. Layers deep, like a maze.

We were never getting through this wall with a frontal assault. We’d have to blow the entire side of the cliff to even make a dent.

Looking behind me, I watched Darius shoot down a Scythe fighter, the small ship spiraling out of control as it dived into the ground and burst into flames.

On the other side of the battle area another fighter had already crashed and burned to a crisp. I winced.

No one could have survived that.

So far I’d taken out unmanned guns, not people. But that could change at any moment.

“Let’s go, Lily! Let’s finish this.” Bantia’s Titan leaped into the opening I’d created and disappeared inside the maze. Ulixes was right behind her as I hung onto the side of the wall with one clawed hand and two feet still puncturing the shielding material.

“We have to open it from the inside,” Ulixes said, then disappeared behind his pair-bonded fighting partner.

I looked back over my shoulder to make sure Darius was alive and well. He was. Cursing and firing like a battle-crazed berserker. Running toward my position.


Ignoring his shout, I dropped down to the opening to follow Bantia and Ulixes inside. Within seconds complete and total darkness swallowed me whole.