
“Well, I’m on missile patrol, saving the galaxy one blown-up missile at a time.”

“What happens if you miss one?”

Mia and Jamie both froze, but it was Mia who spoke. “Not funny. Not going to happen. Not on my watch.”

Jamie clarified. “Mia finds ’em and I kill ’em. Most of the time. Sometimes I find one first, but that’s rare. I’m only one small ship, and Mia has a freaking army of satellites, drones, and scanners.”

“My minions are very well trained,” Mia agreed.

“They’re computers.”

“Very well-trained computers.”

They walked toward the door but turned to wave farewell. “Get better!” Jamie ordered.

“Give him time.” Mia’s words were no less an order.

“I’ll try.”

The door slid open, and I caught the barest glimpse of two men I recognized from their game avatars, Kassius and Alexius. The alien hotties we’d all oohed and ahhed over every time we played.

The only one missing was mine.

“Let’s get you ready for the next round of visitors.” The nurse’s false cheer and wink were appreciated but wasted on me. Maybe it wasn’t false, but I didn’t know her. She didn’t know me. I didn’t trust others easily. And when I put weight on my leg, I felt anything but cheery.

“Can we not talk? I’m sorry, but I’m tired, my leg hurts, and I don’t feel like saying much.”

“Of course.” Cheery or not, she was kind. That I appreciated very much as she helped me move, step by agonizing step, toward what appeared to be a shower with a seat in the center.

Thank all that was holy, because there was no way I could stand up long enough to take a shower.

I didn’t hear the door open. The nurse turned in alarm, then smiled. “Starfighter Darius, I was wondering when you would appear.”

“Now. And I will take care of her.”

“Of course.” The nurse smiled and nodded her head without the slightest protest. The next thing I knew, I was in Darius’s arms, cradled against his chest like a baby. I was wearing an alien version of a hospital gown, which, as most hospital attire was wont to do, didn’t cover much.

Darius stopped at the bed and pulled the blanket loose to cover me, tucking me into his arms as gently as he could.

“What are you doing? I’m supposed to take a shower.”

“I will take care of you in our private quarters, Lily. I’m here now, and nothing else is going to hurt you tonight.”

Except you,I thought, but I laid my head against his shoulder and didn’t argue as he carried me.