
The word broke me from my trance, and I chuckled, male pride making me smile. “Did I do your beast justice?”

She turned her face away, her cheeks pink. Gently I kissed her jaw, her cheek, her face until she gave me her lips. When I had tasted her again and made my cock hard, I held her gaze and willed her to give me more truth.

“I want you again, Lily.”

“You’re still inside me.”

I shifted my hips and she gasped. “Wall or bed?”

“I think I want to try the bed this time.”

“Excellent choice.” I carried her to the bed and settled her down so I could strip out of my clothing. Skin on skin. I needed to feel every inch of her, mark her, explore, touch, learn. Make her mine.

Tomorrow we would go on our first mission. Tomorrow we would be thrust back into the war.

Tonight she was mine.