She looked at me and then Mia. “Starfighters, my office within the hour. Graves?”

The tech who had originally greeted us stepped forward. “Yes, General.”

“Show them to their quarters. I’ve had enough bullshit for one morning.” Jennix left without another word, and an awkward silence descended.

Mia tilted her head to inspect Sponder from head to toe. It was disappointing that he was the first one she’d met here. “Well, that didn’t go well for you, did it?”

Sponder stiffened and turned on his heel.

I pursed my lips to stifle a smile. “Enjoy the audit, Captain,” I called.

He halted in his tracks for a count of three, refused to face me, and walked away so stiffly I was sure he would compress carbon into a diamond between his ass cheeks.

With a grin, I saluted Sponder’s retreating back for the final time. The action held no respect. I wasn’t going to miss that face, but I had a feeling this wasn’t over between us. It didn’t matter. I didn’t need to be his friend. Hell, I didn’t even care if I was his enemy. I had what I wanted because I’d made it happen. I had won.

“You hacked into the system to be added as a Starfighter candidate?” Mia murmured.

“Oh yes.”

“Huh. I guess you’re good at computers.”

“Not as good as you are.”

The compliment made her smile, which made me want to kiss her. But then I always wanted to kiss her. Among other things.

“If you would come with me, Starfighters, I will show you where your quarters are, then lead you to the general’s office.” The tech was a saint. He had watched the byplay between all of us with a carefully blank expression.

“You work directly with the general?” I asked as we followed him down a series of halls. I allowed all thoughts of Sponder to disappear.

“I am her personal emissary. Lieutenant Graves, at your service, sirs.”

“Thank you, Graves,” Mia said.

Graves lifted a brow at me. “You made an enemy today, sir.”

I shrugged. “It wasn’t today.”

“Assholes don’t make good friends anyway,” Mia commented.

I lifted her hand to my lips and placed a kiss on the back of it. “As always, my Mia, you speak the truth.”

“Indeed.” Graves’s face resumed its blank expression as he led us out of the landing bay to start our future. Based on the haste of the general, it was going to be action-packed.