
A few more minutes?I craved him now. I squirmed in my chair at his promises. With that ping not repeating itself, I let the adrenaline course through me. We were away from the Dark Fleet ship, and we had the data.

We’d completed a real mission.

“Is it always like that?” I asked.

“Like what?” Kass replied, monitoring the ship’s course back to the Resolution.

“Like… insane. Exhilarating. Soooo much better than the game.”

Of course, we had sneaked in and sneaked out undetected. We hadn’t used any of the fighting skills we’d practiced in the game. But still… it was real.

I looked out the window at space. Space. Would I ever get used to this? There was no green. No blue sky. I wondered what it was like on Velerion. Was it like Earth? The Starfighter Training Academy didn’t reference the home planet much. Since we were stationed on a battleship, it wasn’t as if I was going to find out anytime soon. And based on the data we’d just uncovered, we were likely going to be at the center of the latest battle with the Dark Fleet.

Now that we were done, I was antsy. I felt like I couldn’t sit still, which was pretty difficult in a spaceship. There was nowhere to go.

“What’s the matter, my Mia?”

“I’m… happy,” I admitted, and a slow smile crept across my face. “No, it’s more than that. Thrilled. It’s nothing like playing in my living room. You were there with me then, but I didn’t know you were real.”

“Do you need a reminder?”

Definitely not. I knew he was real. So did my body. But I was across the galaxy staring out at space. It was like I was another person, completely different than who I’d been just a few days ago. But that version of me was real, too. Kass had been on Earth. He’d seen my other life. And saved me from it. Literally swept me off my feet, up against the door, and then to another planet.

“Mia? I want you. Naked. Now.”

I flushed all over, and my core clenched. He wasn’t tame, that was for sure. And I liked him that way. I glanced at my sensors one last time to make sure we were totally and completely alone out here.

“Kassius Remeas?”

“Naked, Mia.”

“I know you’re real.”


“So is your magical cock,” I countered, sorting the data I’d downloaded into manageable packets.

“Magical?” He laughed.

“I can’t believe we just did that. So surreal.”

“Very real. Now the general’s people can analyze the data and plan an attack.”

“How are they going to blow up the IPBMs without destroying an entire planet?”

“That’s for Jennix and the others to figure out. In the past, our science teams suggested we fire them into our star, Vega. That is not for us to worry about. When we get back, we are required to rest.”

I glanced at him, and I heard the deeper timbre of his voice.


“Sleep. As a pilot I am required to recharge for a duration of twelve hours prior to a new mission. You as well.”

“Do we have to… rest the entire time?”