“Group Two will lead shuttle missions to drop Titans in various locations around the biosphere cities on Xenon to guard the citizens and our shuttle teams against a ground assault. As soon as the force field goes down, the Scythe fighter squadrons will be scrambled. We need our Starfighter pilots to be ready to lead them away from the missile facility.

“Shuttle pilots will bring in a crew of scientists and weapons specialists who will enter the production plant and fire the live IPBMs toward Vega.”

“Isn’t it easier to aim them at an asteroid belt?” a shuttle pilot asked.

“Good question. It would be, but debris from the missile strikes would spread across the system. We would be dodging it for years, and we do not need a random asteroid or large meteor shower to hit Velerion.”

The pilot grinned somewhat sheepishly. “That would be bad.”

Kass nodded. “Affirmative. Mia and I will take down the shield on the moon base station, which will free Xenon from Dark Fleet control. Group leaders have been sent instructions and further details in order to ready your crews. Once the force field goes down, all other crews will be a go to engage.”

Jennix nodded. “Group Two shuttles, you will drop your teams and remain in Xenon airspace, on standby, for retrieval or assistance if necessary. The rest of the details are in your mission briefs.”

Kass looked between the comms and the group present. “We can now break into smaller groups to identify specific team tasks.”

Kass looked to me.

I made eye contact with every team member in the room and on every screen. I was superstitious that way, but I liked to know who I was going into the field—or into space—with. “Stay sharp and stay safe.”

General Jennix placed her hands on her hips. “Group leaders, anything to add?”

“I have something to add.”

This time it really was Sponder who spoke, but he wasn’t on the comm with his team, instead he was here. In person. Everyone swiveled to look at him.

“Captain, why are you not at Eos Station?” Jennix asked. “We have a mission to run.”

“Because my mission is to see him in the brig.” He pointed at Kass.

Kass sighed.

Arsch. Sponder was always in the way, and I’d barely met the guy.

“And I told you he is no longer under your command,” Jennix added. “He is now a Starfighter MCS.”

“He accessed Velerion data cores without consent. He did not have clearance. We do not know the extent of his breach.”

“Again, it shows his skill as an MCS. An asset to the fight against the Dark Fleet.”

“I disagree,” Sponder countered. “He is a menace. A threat to all of Velerion, especially since he hacked in to change the scores on his data in the Starfighter Training Academy.”

What?I turned away from Sponder to study Kass. He scowled like he was ready to commit cold-blooded murder. I couldn’t blame him. But I also wanted to know if Sponder’s accusation was true.

“Are you saying he cheated?” Jennix asked.

Kass had admitted to hacking into the training program to be added to the possible matches, but not cheating to complete the training levels and graduate. To pair bond with me. To fight with me. Was it all a lie then? Had I been duped by someone I trusted? Again? Was my bad judgment about to get more people killed on this mission?

Maybe I should have stayed behind the desk back in Berlin where no one was hurt if I trusted the wrong person.

Kass’s back went stiff. “I did no such thing.”

“And we are to believe you?” Sponder asked, his brow raised.

Jennix’s shoulders dropped. “I think your accusations are far-fetched, Captain.”

“I do not.” The man with Sponder, who I’d pretty much ignored until now, spoke. “I am Commissioner Gaius.”

I’d never heard of the title commissioner before. It hadn’t been in the game. Based on his age and the formal style of his clothes—he looked like an anime character with spiked hair, fancy boots and a long, stylized jacket decorated with elaborately designed buttons—he was some kind of bureaucrat or politician. And since he was bickering with Jennix, he was most likely her superior. That meant Sponder was so determined to take down Kass that he’d pulled rank and gone over the general’s head.