People came closer, at least twenty of the Arturri base’s crew forming a loose circle around us, eager to share their pride in our success.

Jamie had no idea what she was to everyone on this moon base and the entire planet below. She was hope. Protection. Strength.

“Jamie, we have a welcoming committee,” I murmured in her ear.

She opened her eyes and lifted her head to look around. The shy smile on her face was all Gus and Ry needed to pounce.

“Jamie! By all that is holy, you are amazing. Three Scythe fighters and a shuttle in your first battle? And you saved Gamma 4. We are so proud of you!” Gustar pulled her from my side into a giant hug, which was quickly joined by Ryziz. After that, everyone gathered around in a large circle, wrapping their arms around one another with myself and Jamie in the center of the adoration attack. They were shouting and singing and jumping like maniacs. Some of them were shouting, “Earth! Earth! Earth!”

The service members working on the moon base knew as well as I did that Jamie Miller might be the first from Earth, but she would not be the last. Even now, her two teammates were close to completing their training. There were dozens more a few weeks behind them.

Soon, the Starfighter numbers would begin to increase for the first time since the original attack.

And I would do anything and everything I had to in order to make sure the traitor was caught and eliminated on the Asteroid Syrax base. I wasn’t sure how now that I was stationed on Arturri, but I would help my Nave and Trax see it done by feeding them intel I learned from here. I had more than duty and my people to protect now; I had Jamie. And she was mine.

“Okay! Okay! You are all crazy! Put me down!” Jamie’s laughter was music to my ears as Gus and Ry finally put her on her feet. She was relaxed and smiling now, picking up that they were pleased not only with her but with the outcome of the skirmish.

The outer crowd dispersed at once, stepping back to form a line on both sides of us so that walking between them created a sort of corridor to the exit from the docking bay.

I took Jamie’s hand as we walked past the now quiet but still smiling welcome crew.

When we cleared the tunnel, the bright, open center area was bustling with activity, and standing in the center was General Aryk of Velerion.

“Welcome back, Starfighters.” General Aryk walked to greet us, and I was shocked to see the streaks of silver at his temples. I’d heard rumors that he’d been badly wounded in battle and when he’d recovered, his black locks had been streaked with silver. His eyes remained the same piercing pale gray I remembered from my younger days on Velerion. He was near my age but looked a decade older. “Excellent work. However, Jamie Miller, I did not receive a report from medical stating you were mission ready.”

“What?” Jamie asked, frowning.

I explained for her. “This was supposed to be a joyride, General. Nothing more.”

“Every time a Starfighter climbs into their ship, it’s always more. Get to medical. I need you cleared mission ready. When you've done so, I expect a mission debrief.” The general stopped ordering her around long enough to hold out his hand to his newest recruit. He even cracked a smile. “Welcome to Velerion, Starfighter. I am General Aryk, your commanding officer.”

Jamie accepted his overture and curled her fingers around his in the accepted greeting. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jamie.”

“Jamie Lynn Miller, planet Earth, city of Baltimore in a place called Maryland. I have read your file.”

Her dark brows winged up. “I have a file?”

“Of course. And there is no medical clearance in it. So get your asses to medical.” He pointed in the general direction of the med unit.

“Now?” Jamie asked. I realized she’d seen the leader in the training program. Knew his face and voice but was actually meeting him for the first time.

“What part of get your asses to medical does not translate into English?” General Aryk looked from Jamie to me; then he grinned. “You both performed beyond expectations. Especially considering the surprise nature of the attack. I need to know you are ready for your next mission. Medical, then my briefing room. One hour.”

“Yes, sir,” I said.

The general nodded and walked away. Jamie looked at me as the base crew started moving again, getting back to work. Lifting our still-joined hands to my lips, I kissed the back of her knuckles before tugging gently toward the archway that led to the medical stations.

As I’d expected, the medical unit was operating at full efficiency and had been waiting to get their first look at the newest species of Starfighter. The medic was practically beside herself with excitement.

“Starfighter Jamie! Welcome, welcome to the medical station. I am Medic Suzen, and it is my honor to assist you.”

“Thanks, Suzen. I’m fine,” Jamie insisted even as she allowed the taller woman to lead her toward a scanning unit.

“I’m sure, but we both have orders. Sit here. That’s perfect. Just relax and lean back into the seat.” Medic Suzen looked at me. “You, too, Starfighter. There is another place for you right here.” She looked over her shoulder to one of the younger gentlemen operating a control station. “Medic Wallis, will you assist, please?”

“Of course.” The young medic walked to the scanning unit and indicated that I should recline in the seat. I did, having done this hundreds of times. Jamie was within sight, so I leaned back as the seat adjusted to my body, and waited for the familiar lights to swirl. “Commencing scan.”

I could leave my eyes open if I preferred, but I saw no reason to do so. I’d watched the bright lights and felt the soft pulsing as the scanners checked the frequency readings of every cell in my body right down to the DNA.