Was I stupid? Probably, but I was in a cell. The worst outcome was that I was going to die. Which I believed was her intention all along. Maybe I’d buy myself some time. Maybe… something. I was on my own here. Alex was only a few feet away, but he might have been across the galaxy for all the help he would be.

She turned her head to Alex. “Did you know your bondmate was this much trouble? One would think the training program would have a better selection process.”

Alex said nothing for a moment, then only shrugged. “It’s only a game for humans.” He turned his head and looked to me, his dark eyes meeting mine. “Right, Jamie Miller of Earth? As I always said, it was only a game to be played. Nothing more.”

My mouth fell open at his words. The sound of them was laced with disdain. Vacancy. But the sentences spoken made no sense.

“Alexius, since you know her so well, you will lead the interrogation,” the queen ordered. “See it done by morning. Then kill her.” She looked to me, her head turning like the snap of a whip. “You are the first Starfighter, Jamie Miller from Earth. Not the only.”

“I would accept your invitation to dine with you, my queen, before I begin the interrogation.” Alex lowered his head in deference to her order, and I wanted to scratch his eyes out. And kiss him. And cry. But I did none of those things.

“Of course.” She turned and walked off, her coat swirling about her ankles. The two guards followed behind. Alex gave me one last intense look, then followed. The laser bars turned back on, and the hum returned, leaving me alone once again with my thoughts.

I was stuck on the only things Alex had said. It was only a game. He didn’t believe that. In fact, he’d been adamant over and over that it was the complete opposite. So what had he meant, and why had he said it?