Page 39 of Mated To The Vikens

Her body bucked, her back lifting into the air as she writhed and begged me at last. “Please, Sir. Please fuck me. Please make me come.”

“Ah, begging. I like to hear that.”

Pleased now, I lined up my cock with her wet pussy and slid inside as a half dozen men and their subs watched from all around us. “Open your eyes, Sophia. Open your eyes and see how you are watched as I fuck you.”

Chapter Nine


Gunnar rutted into me like a caveman, his need primitive and carnal, and I welcomed each wild thrust of his hips. The plug he’d pressed into my bottom stretched me wide, his cock adding pressure to the brink of pain, pushing me higher and higher. I loved it. He knew, somehow, to push me past what I thought I could handle and into a new place where I loved it. I had no control, could only submit.

I’d thought I could suck his cock, swirl my tongue around that flared crown, but he hadn’t wanted just that. He’d pushed himself farther and farther—albeit carefully—into my mouth. I’d had to breathe through my nose and concentrate, and yet he’d gone even farther, until he was touching the back of my throat. I hadn’t been able to move, to push him away.

I’d had to take it, wanted to…and it had made my pussy weep, my nipples tighten. I’d needed it, that possession, along with the stinging smacks from the paddle. God, pain had never felt so good.

He ordered me to open my eyes, and I did so reluctantly, until I saw the heated gazes of two Viken males and their women watching me with dark, lust-filled eyes.

They wanted what I had, those women. They wanted to be tied down and taken, dominated by their mates.

Some perhaps, even wanted Gunnar.

From the looks in the men’s eyes, the women would get exactly what they desired—except for my mate.

He was mine. All mine. And I was his. Completely.

Gunnar bent over me, covering my back, his arms reaching underneath to tug and knead my breasts as his hips pounded into me from behind. Each thrust drove the plug a bit deeper as well, each retreat moving the object inside me as if two men fucked me, and I could not stop the image of riding Gunnar’s cock as Erik filled me from behind.

I knew it would be Erik, for he’d already spoken of claiming my ass. That was his need, to take me there. His cock was hard and hot, and would fill me so deeply. I’d feel the hot spurts of his seed as he came. This plug, it was nothing in comparison to what I’d get from Erik.

I clenched my muscles around the plug as Gunnar’s cock thrust deep, the tip touching my womb. The force sent a shock of pleasure-pain through my body on the inside, and my muscles collapsed beneath me as sensation overloaded my system. I could do nothing but take it. Nothing but let the others watch me give myself to my mate.

Gunnar buried his hand in my hair and stepped back, pulling me with him until my thighs came away from the bench and he could reach beneath me to stroke my clit. He slowed the movement of his cock and held my head back, my neck arched as he fucked me slowly. Every nerve ending deep inside flared to life. His cock missed not one inch of me. I wanted it fast and hard, but no. He was slowly torturing me. Taunting me. So fucking slow I thought I’d die of want.

“Gunnar, please,” I begged again. I was not beyond begging. He’d turned me into a sweaty, needy mess and I didn’t care.

“Come all over my cock, Sophia. Come now,” he commanded.

He flicked my clit fast and thrust deep and I screamed as the orgasm rushed through me.

Gunnar did not stop moving. He did not release me. He pushed me to another release before I’d had time to recover from the first. When I finally stilled, my pussy so swollen and sensitive every thrust of his hard cock a sensual glide making me quiver and burn for him, he released me.

I fell forward, slack and accepting of anything he wanted from me. I gave myself into his care, completely sated and warm, content. The others could watch, but they meant nothing. It was just Gunnar and me. I needed to please him now, reveled in the power of my body to push him to such primitive lusts, such mindless need.

He took his time—still—riding me, using my body, filling and pushing me out of satiation to need once again. He built the fire slowly this time, the bulbous head of his cock like a ridge of pleasure as he pushed into my wet, swollen and sensit

ive pussy, pulled out.

His cock swelled and hard hands grabbed my hips. His pacing increased and I knew he was about to come, to fill me with his seed.

And I wanted it all, every drop. I wanted to own him as he owned me, to know that I carried a piece of him inside me. I never wanted to lose that connection, to be without my mates.

Gripping my hips in an almost brutal hold, he came, his cock jumping and pulsing inside my core, filling me with his essence, his seed power. I welcomed the rush of heat I knew would follow. Seconds later, the chemical in his seed rushed through my bloodstream like the sweetest fire, and my pussy responded, clenching and spasming around his hard length as another orgasm made me moan and shake, the rush indescribable, the bond so strong I closed my eyes for fear I would reveal too much to those who still watched him conquer me, body and soul.

When it was over, he gently removed the plug and wiped my body with cleaning clothes and scented oil before releasing me and draping the cloak back over my shoulders. With a sigh, I lifted my arms to his chest and raised my face for a kiss. For once, confident that he would not deny me.

Before this moment, Gunnar had been the great unknown for me. Rolf was witty and hid the pain of his past with humor and wit. Erik loved to brood, but he did not carry darkness the way Gunnar did. Erik would release it into the world, would rant or bellow, allowing me to soothe him. In just two days, I’d learned my men and grown fond of them.

But Gunnar had been walking darkness. Impossible to read, impossible to know. I knew his protective streak, but nothing more. But a woman can learn much from a lover’s touch, and now I knew Gunnar’s secret.