Page 46 of Mated To The Vikens

“But you can implicate them,” Erik said, lowering his weapon.

“No. I could only implicate Dorn. The VSS has no reason to kill me now. Unless they kill for sport, I’m safe. They won’t want anything to do with me.”

“It makes sense,” Rolf said, pulling me in for a hug. I felt the frantic beat of his heart as he held me. He was warm and I reveled in his familiar scent.

“So the VSS continues. We’ve done nothing to bring them down,” Erik said, disappointed.

“No, they lost a high-ranking council member from Sector Two. And we’re free,” Gunnar said. “Sophia is safe.”

Rolf passed me to Erik, who also held me close. “That scared ten years off my life.”

Gunnar grunted his agreement.

The men stood around me in a protective circle. People started to come out from hiding, voices speaking, someone loomed over the body until a member of the Royal Guard chased him off and set up a perimeter. I ignored them all. I didn’t care what they did. I had my men. We were safe once and for all. The VSS might continue to be a scourge on Viken, but it was not my fight, at least not right now. I didn’t have a target on my back any longer.

“Can we go home now?” I asked.

“Yes,” Gunnar answered. “We’ll have you home as soon as possible.”

“Didn’t you have me just a little while ago?” I asked, teasing.

“You didn’t have me,” Rolf replied.

“Or me,” Erik added, raising his brows. “What did Gunnar do to you in there? I want a detailed account, mate, and I want you to tell me every naughty detail.”

That was Erik, talking dirty. My pussy and bottom clenched, remembering. “He…he prepared me for all three of you.”

Erik growled. “For us to claim you together?”

I nodded.

“Then you accept us as your mates? No second doubts? No denial?”

Rolf stroked a finger down my cheek. Erik’s hands were on my shoulders. Gunnar didn’t touch me, but his eyes were filled with lust.

But he would touch me, fill me, fuck me. I wanted all of them.

“Yes, I accept all three of you as my mates. I want you to take me home and make me forget everything but you.”



Rolf and I had been pacing, waiting. We’d tried to relax, but it had been impossible. Sure, Gunnar would keep her safe, would definitely fuck her while they were in the club, but time seemed to have moved at a glacial pace. When he’d reached us through the InterCom, we’d sighed in relief. But that had been short lived.

Holy fuck.

We’ve got a sniper shooting at Sophia.

Those were not words we expected to hear, nor in Gunnar’s slightly frantic tone. We’d never heard him frantic before. It wasn’t a word I’d ever use to describe him. Ever.

But now, with Sophia in danger, it was bad. We’d only just found her, our mate, from all the planets in the universe. She’d been miraculously matched to the three of us and now her life was threatened. Again.

We’d leapt over furniture, knocked down people who were in our way to get to them. It took ten interminable minutes to cross Central City and find them. We couldn’t miss the flurry of Vikens leaving the area. People talking about someone being shot, a dead body, had us running even faster. Then we saw the body sprawled on the ground, blood pooling thick and dark on the street. It wasn’t Sophia. Nor Gunnar.

Relief pumped through my veins. It wasn’t our mate. It wasn’t Gunnar. That didn’t mean they were safe. Fuck, we didn’t even know if the dead Viken was Sophia’s mystery man.

We had no idea who he was, but half of his face was gone. Had Gunnar shot him up close?