Page 31 of Tamed By The Beast

The Xerimian people were barbarians. Nearly our size, their warriors constantly battled for females and territory. The strongest took the spoils. Their planet was protected by the Coalition Fleet, but they had not been granted the rights or privileges of being a member planet. Not yet.

I’d taken the weapons and turned him in to command. But Engel had friends in very high places, and he’d been released and on his way within hours of his arrest.

The council chose to believe his lies about a mistake, an incorrect cargo manifest.

I, however, did not. And his repeated attempts to force me to mate with his daughter reeked of further manipulation. How many people would he have been able to intimidate or bribe if I had become Tia’s mate? With a powerful commander as his new son?

“You were very brave, Tiffani,” Tia said. “The news feeds have talked of little else since your arrival.” Tia exhaled a deep breath and her words drew me from my reverie.

“News feeds? What news feeds?” Tiffani looked up at me for an explanation, which I very much did not want to give.

Chapter Nine


When I took a moment too long to answer, Tia grinned at my mate. “Didn’t they tell you? You’re famous.”

Tiffani paled, swaying, and I frowned at Tia’s antics. “Tia, stop scaring her.”

“Why didn’t you tell her? How many interview requests have you turned down already?”

Tiffani looked up at me with a fierce scowl, clearly growing irritated. “Well?”

With a sigh, I relented. Dax and I had discussed this problem at length in my office just hours ago. Eventually, I was going to be forced to concede. My people wanted to know Tiffani, loved her for saving my life. I was a selfish bastard, keeping her all to myself. The world would understand that my mating fever would take some time to soothe. But I was running out of ways to keep the media away. Before long, the curious would be knocking on our door. “Twenty-two.”

“Oh, my God.” Tiffani’s eyes were round with surprise. “I’m a waitress from Milwaukee. I’m really not that interesting.”

I sighed. “That was just yesterday.”

Tia crossed her arms with a snort. “You can’t hide her in your bedroom forever, Commander.”

Tiffani started to laugh, but still blushed furiously, and reached out to place her hand on Tia’s forearm. “Thanks for the warning.”

Tia looked confused by the touch—my mate was very into touching—but then grinned. “Well, we are family now. And we women need to stick together.”

“That reminds me,” Engel said.

We all looked to him as he pulled something from his pants pocket. It was a small pouch, black with a gold pull string.

“This is for you.” Engel held the pouch out to Tiffani, but looked at me. “A peace offering and apology. Welcome to the family, Tiffani.”

Tiffani took the proffered bag and opened it, letting the contents fall into her small hand. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

The clenched muscles in my neck and jaw relaxed as I saw the necklace. Links of gold entwined with graphite designs engraved with the symbols of our family line. This was the gift I had refused while in the prison cell. But this time, Tia did not offer it to me, but to my mate.

As if reading my mind, Engel looked up at me. “Since Tiffani is your mate and this is a family heirloom, we felt she should have it.”

I glanced at Tia to see if she agreed. She nodded. “It will look great with that dress, Tiffani.”

Tiffani held up the gift, offering it to me. “Will you help?”

“Of course.” I would always help her, be the task large or small.

I lifted the necklace from her palm and ran my fingers along the familiar metal links. I remembered it well. “I used to sit on my grandmother’s lap and play with this when I was very small. I liked the way the lights reflected off the gold.”

“Perhaps our son will do the same someday.” Tiffani offered the vision and turned her back to me. Opening the clasp, I draped the costly jewelry around her neck, leaning to place a kiss on her shoulder. Now I could not stop envisioning my son on Tiffani’s lap, his chubby little hand reaching for the golden links. Truly grateful and humbled by the gift, I released her to face Engel.

“Very generous, Councilor. And it looks perfect on my mate. Thank you.”