“Then we claim you in the rite of naming. You belong to us and we shall kill any other warrior who dares to touch you.”

“May the gods witness and protect you.” The chorus of voices sounded around us and I gasped as the man on his knees before me nipped at my inner thighs with his teeth in a dark promise of more pleasure.

“Come for us now, mate. Show them all how your mates bring you pleasure.” The mate at my back issued the order just before his mouth crushed my lips in a searing kiss.

Wait, what others?—Before I could finish the thought the other man’s mouth clamped down, hard on my clit, sucking and flicking his tongue, pushing me over the edge.

I screamed, but the sound was lost to me as waves of ecstasy crashed through me. My body became taut like a bow, only my pussy walls rippled and clenched the cock that continued to fuck me. Hard, so hard and yet the tongue that continued to flick my clit was so soft and gentle.

Heat bloomed on my skin, bright white flickered behind my eyelids, my fingers tingled. Hell, my entire body tingled. But my mates weren’t finished with me, they did not allow me to catch my breath before I was lifted off the large cock and turned around. I heard the rustle of sheets, felt the bed shift, then I was lifted on top of him. With hands on my hips, I was lowered back onto his cock. In seconds, he had filled me again, pumping up into me as my other mate reached around between us and fingered my clit. I was so primed, so sensitive, that I was instantly on edge.

Desire spiraled within, and I tensed, holding my breath as fire rushed through me. I was going to come again. They worked me so simply, yet they knew my body, knew how to touch me, how to lick and suck me. How to fuck me so perfectly that all I could do was come. Again and again. “Yes. Yes. Yes!”


The command was like a leash and my orgasm came to heel, waiting. A firm hand spa

nked my bare bottom. The sound of it was a loud crack, the feel of it a bright flash of pain. Three times. Four. When he stopped, the prickly heat of it spread through me. I should have hated it. He’d spanked me! But no. My traitorous body liked it, for the extra sensation went straight to my breasts, my clit. My whole body felt like it was on fire and I wanted more. I wanted their commands. I wanted their control. I wanted it all. I needed both of my mates to fill me, to fuck me, to claim me. I wanted to be theirs forever.

Firm hands locked onto my ass, pulling my cheeks open for the mate behind me. Even as the one lying beneath me held me open, he ground his pelvis, fucking me with small strokes into a blissful euphoria. My pussy was stuffed so full, how could my other mate fit in my ass? How could the two of them claim me properly without causing me pain? Somehow I knew that I would like it. Memories of a large plug filling me, spreading me open, getting me ready for this, reassured me. I’d liked the plug filling me as they fucked me, so I would surely die of pleasure when I had two cocks in me.

The need wasn’t just to fuck both of my mates at once. It was to stake my claim and make these men mine forever. Only their double penetration would do it. I loved these men. I wanted them. I wanted them both.

My mate’s finger explored my tight ass, a virgin to a cock, but I knew he would fit. Both men were powerful and dominant, and yet gentle. The mating oil he used to work one finger inside, then another, was a welcome heat in my body. I panted as the warmth of his fingers slowly spread me open, ensuring I was truly ready to be claimed.

Arms wrapped around my back and the mate beneath me pulled me down so I rested on his broad chest. His hand stroked up and down the length of my spine.

“Arch your back. Yes, like that.” The fingers slipped from my ass and while I felt open and ready, I felt empty. I needed more. The mate behind me continued. “When I get my cock into this snug little ass, you will be ours forever. You are the link, connecting us as one.”

The blunt head of his cock pressed forward, slowly, filling me until I thought I would die from pleasure. The pre-cum on the tip of his cock slipped inside me and made fire spread through my nerve endings, like a jolt of electricity that went straight to my clit.

I tried to hold on, I tried to behave, to deny the pleasure spiraling through me, to wait for permission, but I could not.

I came with a scream, my pussy convulsing so hard I nearly forced the second cock from my body with the force of the muscle spasms. I couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, and each thrust of my mates’ cocks pushed me higher, until I came again—


“Miss Bryant.”

The woman’s voice seemed to appear out of thin air, filling my mind with the cold chill of reality. I ignored it, reaching for the ecstasy I’d just experienced, but the more I tried to focus on my mates, the harder it became to feel them. Their scent was gone. Their heat, gone. Their cocks, gone. I cried out a denial as hard, cold fingers wrapped around my shoulder, shaking me.

“Miss Bryant!”

No one touched me like that. No one.

Years of martial arts training kicked in and I tried to swing my arm to block the assault on my shoulder. I did not want those cold hands touching me. I didn’t want anyone touching me, anyone but my mates. Those strong hands that were so gentle.

The sharp pain of restraints cutting into my wrists brought me back to reality. I couldn’t knock the hand away, I couldn’t punch her. I was trapped. Restrained. Cuffed to some kind of chair. Defenseless.

Blinking, I looked around, trying to regain my bearings. God, my pussy was pulsing with desire and my breathing was ragged. I was naked beneath some type of hospital gown, cuffed to an exam table that looked more like a dentist’s chair than a hospital bed. Air whooshed in and out of my lungs in rapid panting sounds as I tried to calm my racing heart. My engorged clit throbbed. I wanted to touch it with my fingers, to finish what the men had started, but that was impossible. In the restraints, all I could do was grip my hands into fists.

I’d had an orgasm, right here in this damn chair, pinned and naked like a freak. I was a five-year intelligence operative. I’d been assigned this mission because my country was trusting me to maintain control, to do what needed to be done out there in space. Not fall apart and beg for orgasms from the first alien whose hard cock made me so hot I forgot my own name.

I recognized the signs and knew my face was turning a dark shade of pink at the thought of not just one dominant, commanding alpha male making my pussy weep, making me beg. One lover? A hint of normalcy? No. Not me. I had to make things interesting and imagine fucking two of them at the same time. God, my mother would be rolling over in her grave right now.

“Miss Bryant?” There was that voice again.

“Yes.” Resigned, I turned my head to find a group of seven women watching me with obvious curiosity. They all wore dark gray uniforms with a strange burgundy insignia over their left breasts. I’d seen that symbol often enough the last two months, it was the mark of the Interstellar Coalition, indicating they were all employees of the Interstellar Bride Program’s testing center, Wardens, they were called, as if signing with the Coalition were a jail sentence. The women were a cross-section of races, black, white, Asian, Hispanic. They represented all the races of Earth. How fucking perfect. A pale-skinned woman with dark brown hair and sympathetic gray eyes was the one speaking to me. I knew her name, but she didn’t know that. I knew a lot of things I wasn’t supposed to know.