“As I said, your mates sent me as they could not be here when you woke.”

That was considerate of them.

“I’m in charge of family integration and socialization and have mates of my own. One of them, my Drake, works with Commander Zakar. You are a lucky woman to find such an exemplary mate and a highly respected second.” She leaned forward and spoke in a hushed tone. “But don’t let my own mates know I said that.”

I smiled then, for she was quite nice and I hadn’t realized I needed…someone. Someone who wasn’t planning on stripping me down and fucking me. At least right now. I needed reassurance that being on a Prillon ship was about more than just being mated to two warriors. While I had enjoyed what they did to me the night before and my body ached for them—their seed still trickled from my pussy—I was more than just a mate. If I had to sit inside this small room and stare at the walls for days on end, I’d go stark, raving mad.

“I’m here to help you with clothes and food, to start. And if you need anything else, just let me know. I will help you find work you’ll enjoy. Friends. Something to fill your days while your mates are busy. I think it must be quite different for you here than on Earth.”

I had no idea yet exactly how it was different, but I tugged at the sheet. “Anything will be better than this sheet. Thank you. But I’d love to shower first.”

She smiled then. “Of course.”

Mara spent the next hour showing me how to use the bathing units—there was both a shower and a bathtub, although she told me they were for pleasure and not strictly necessary. She showed me the S-Gen, where the green lights scanned my body and created new clothes for me to wear. The living space was completely unlike those on Earth as there was no kitchen, no closets and I followed her around almost blindly, with a curiosity only seen in small children. Several compartments were hidden in the walls and I anticipated finding and opening them all just like a treasure hunt. I felt like an excited child being hand held and I was thankful for it. I told her so.

“You’re welcome. I will take you to the cafeteria. After that, you should be set with everything. Oh!” She spun on her heel and faced me. “Your mating box. I understand it was not claimed in the medical unit.”

“Mating box?”

She waved her hand through the air. “It’s a box of supplies for new mates. We’ll just go and retrieve one from the commissary. Would you like to see some of the ship before we eat?”

The idea of seeing more than just Grigg’s quarters was appealing and I ignored the rumbling in my stomach. I was hungry, but I could wait. Not only would it slake my curiosity, but it would allow me to investigate and study the ship so I could report back to Earth.

“Yes, please.”

Dressed now in a midnight-blue uniform of dark pants and matching tunic, I finger combed my hair and left it down in a wild tangle around my shoulders and eagerly followed Mara out into the hallway. There wasn’t much to see, only a plain orange hallway. The walls changed from orange to green to blue as we progressed through the ship, Mara explaining as we went that orange or cream shades indicated we were in civilian or family areas, green was medical, blue engineering, red was command and battle stations. The ship was color-coded, as were the uniforms, with gray being general support staff, the color of the insignia on their chests indicating in which area of the ship they served. High-ranking officers, such as doctors and engineers wore uniforms that matched their ship’s section. Which explained Rav’s dark green uniform.

Warriors, like my Grigg, all wore an intriguing black and dark brown camo armor that Mara insisted was nearly indestructible, explaining, “The commander has tested it, often.”

I didn’t like the sound of that.

We passed several people who all nodded their heads deferentially. At first I thought it was how they said hello, but it appeared they were only doing it for me, not Mara.

“Why are they nodding to me? They don’t even know me.”

“They know you are the commander’s mate, our Lady Zakar. We have waited several years for your arrival.”

I frowned as we turned a corner. “How do they know it’s me?”

Mara pointed to my neck. “Your collar. Your clothing. Your alien appearance. The commander insisted you wear the Zakar family color. The color is different for each group of mates. See—” She pointed to her own neck. “My mate’s family line, the Myntar warrior clan, is represented by dark orange.”

“I’m honored, but confused. Why would anyone here be waiting for me?”

Mara stopped walking and turned to face me. “The commander’s mate has great power and influence. In regards to civilian matters, your orders are to be followed by all on board, warriors and civilians alike. None but the commander himself may order you around, and all on board would die to protect you. You are like a princess now, or a queen. Our queen.”

What the fuck? I couldn’t keep the shock, or the nerves from my voice. “Why? What am I supposed to do? Why would a warrior follow my orders? Am I supposed to go into battle?”

“Oh, no, dear.” She patted me on the sleeve, then dropped her hand. “No. Although, if you really wanted to, and could convince your mates to allow it, you could. No. I will help you find a job that suits you. As the highest-ranking Lady of the ship before your arrival, I have been in charge of the civilian side of life in space. The warriors are busy fighting and expect the non-combat personnel to handle the rest.”

Holy shit. “Like what?”

“Adoptions, matings, maintenance, socialization, community, schooling—”

I held up my hand, interrupting, “So, they fight and we take care of everything else?”

“Exactly.” She grinned. “And I would love to have your help, if you are interested.”

“But, how do you know I won’t make a horrible mess of things? I don’t know anything about your ships, or your way of life. I didn’t even know a space ship existed outside of movies until recently.”