Page 44 of Taken by Her Mates

Two of the challengers bowed low to Jessica and walked from the arena, also declining their attempt at the throne, leaving just one warrior facing Nial.

The council member who had spoken the first time addressed Nial again. “As the only challenger, we name Commander Vertock Prime, Nial Deston. What say you to that?” Nial’s name was no more than a sneer.

“I issue a warrior’s challenge, as is my right. I challenge Prime Vertock to a Death Match for the throne of Prillon Prime.” Nial turned to face his opponent and the entire crowd settled into their seats, eager to see the fight. All but Jessica.

She stood tall, a symbol of Nial’s legitimacy, her squared shoulders and the proud tilt of her chin daring any to challenge her mate’s worth. I sensed her fear, her worry, but it did not show to anyone who looked upon her. If I hadn’t loved her before, I would have fallen in love with her in this moment.

Reluctantly, I tore my gaze from my beautiful mate to scan the crowd and watch for danger. I could not spare eyes for Nial’s fight. That he would have to win on his own to settle the conditions of the duel. My role was to keep Jessica safe in this sea of potential danger.

Only one of the warriors now circling each other would survive, and Jessica needed it to be Nial.

A soft bell sounded and the opponent charged at Nial, trying to take him to the ground. Nial sidestepped easily, wrapped his arms around the man’s neck as he passed and gave one brutal, merciless twist.

The sound of breaking bone filled the arena.

That was it, just as I’d expected. It wasn’t a fight. It wasn’t a duel. It was just death and it had come with a simple twist of Nial’s hands. There was no opponent for him, no equal in the crowd. Perhaps I could offer a true test of his strength, but I did not wish to challenge him.

The crowd erupted into loud screams of encouragement or denial, depending on who they backed for victory. When silence reigned once more, Nial dropped the dead challenger to the sandy ground and lifted his arms above his head.

“Is there no other who wishes to die today?”

When no one stepped forward, the crowd settled immediately, but the high council members were all on their feet, seven old, stooped creatures with scowls on their faces. Their speaker had hands on his hips and glared at Nial.

“You cannot be our Prime, even after that victory. You are contaminated.”

Nial stepped forward. “What, exactly, does that mean?” He pointed to his face. “I have the marks of a warrior. The Hive implants are obvious signs that I fought the enemy and survived. I stood before you, contaminated, as you call it, and defeated the only challenger in this entire arena. I defeated him with a flick of my wrist and you dare name me unworthy? Do you issue challenge yourself, councilor? If so, I will accept.”

The old man flubbed his speech, but his eyes spewed hatred. “You are not worthy, Nial.”

“Because I am a veteran?” I knew Nial used the Earth word intentionally and I felt Jessica’s pride flare. “Because I protected the Prillon people as a warrior and would now do so as their leader?”

Nial lifted his hands and turned to address the crowd. “Do I appear weak or contaminated, Prillon people? I know the enemy. Survived the enemy. I survived my battle with the Hive. I live now with the experience and knowledge to protect this planet. To lead it to ultimate victory.”

The old man sputtered, clearly having no retort, and sat back down in his chair as the crowd cheered. There may have been some who disagreed, but the crowd was pleased with Nial, satisfied with his proof of strength and leadership. And with his beautiful Earthen bride. Warriors who had earned the right to claim a bride were well regarded. Those lucky enough to be accepted by their chosen mate, judged worthy by their bride, even more so. And Jessica, with her proud stance and eyes only for her mate, made it very clear that she not only accepted Nial as her mate, but cared for him as well.

Jessica let go of my hand, and before I could stop her she was racing down the stairs and out the lower door onto the arena floor. I leapt over the low stone wall to land in the soft sand and followed her, ensuring no one would dare harm her. Nial would protect her and so would I.

She ran, her dress like a liquid flame behind her, and threw herself in Nial’s arms as the crowd roared. I watched it all with a grin. That was my mate, my family, and they were safe for another day.

And I didn’t even have to kill anyone to keep it that way.

I thought everything was fine, until two men dragged the dead body away and Nial stood alone in the center of the arena as the chanting began.

“Claiming! Claiming! Claiming!”

The crowd was not leaving, and Jessica’s devotion to Nial worked against us as she clung to him for all to see.

Two hundred years ago, when the first Deston ruler challenged for the throne and won, he and his second had fucked his queen on the arena floor, claiming her for all to see.

Tradition demanded Nial and I claim Jessica here and now, in front of the whole world, for those not seated here watched from home, or on the view screens aboard their battleships in deep space as the duel had been broadcast live across the planet and to all known battle groups in space.

Nial had just killed a man in front of billions. And now his people wanted to see the grand finale.

Chapter Fourteen


I threw myself into Nial’s arms and he lifted me off my feet for a kiss. I could hear the crowd cheer at the bold sight. I felt all of his adrenaline, all of his power flow through the collars and into the kiss.