Page 6 of Taken by Her Mates

I stared at the carefully blank face of a man twice my age. He looked quite similar to me, only older, and without any of the cyborg implants. He was huge, with a fierce face and custom armor designed to make him look even larger than his seven-foot frame. He was the Prime of two planets of hulking warriors. He had to be strong. One hint of weakness, and his enemies would take him down.

Right now, I was that weakness for him. I was the rogue son turned dangerous cyborg threat.

“Father.” I bowed my head slightly in greeting, despite the rage coursing through my blood. He may have biologically been my parent, but he was no father.

“Nial, I have spoken to Commander Deston. I have filed a formal order for your transfer to the colonies.”

I gritted my teeth to hold back my immediate response. So much for being numb. So, my status as blood heir to the throne was not to save me from banishment after all. He didn’t give a Prillon fuck that I was his son. I was damaged, ruined by the Hive and not worthy of being a leader. Of being his son.

Someone handed him a tablet and he perused its content as he spoke to me, not bothering to look up. “I leave for the front in a few days to visit our warriors and assess the condition of several of our older battleships. I expect your transfer to be completed by the time I return.”

I took a deep breath and tried to keep my voice as neutral and benign as his. “I see. And what of my bride? She was due to arrive via transport three days ago.”

“You had no right to request a bride. I had an agreement with Councilor Harbart. You were to claim his daughter as mate.”

I couldn’t help the way my hands gripped the chair in front of me.

“Harbart was a foul coward who planned to murder me and Commander Deston’s bride. Why would I claim his daughter?”

The Prime raised a brow and actually looked up at me, as if confused. “The question is irrelevant now since you are… unsuitable to claim a mate. You will claim no one. Your Earth bride’s transport has been denied, of course. No contaminated warrior is allowed the honor of a bride. You know this. By now, she may well be matched to another warrior who is not…”

His voice trailed off and he tilted his head, studying me. I let him look. If he were a real father, he’d look past the Hive’s cyborg modifications and see that I was the still the same person, still his son. Still the prince.

“Who is not what?”

This was the first time he had seen me since my rescue from the Hive. Arms crossed, I let him take in the slight metallic shine to the skin on the left side of my face, the now odd silver coloration of the iris of my left eye, once a dark gold. I had purposely left my forearms bare so he could see the thin sheet of living biotech that had grafted to half of my arm and part of my left hand. I wanted him to see it all, yet still see me.

His eyes lingered on my arm. “The implants and skin grafts cannot be removed?”

Silly hope died with that one question. I’d thought maybe none of it would matter, but no. He only saw what the Hive had done, not his son.

“Dr. Mordin says the grafts are permanent. They’d have to take my entire arm to remove them.”

“I see.”

“Do you, father? What do you see?” He hadn’t seen the similar Hive grafts that covered half of my left shoulder, most of my left leg, and part of my back. I could see in his cold eyes that what he had seen was plenty.

My father, the man I had never loved, but had respected and had spent my entire life trying to please, shook his head.

“I see a warrior who used to be my son.” He leaned back in his chair, and the look in his eyes had gone even colder. “You will be removed from the list of heirs and reassigned to the colonies. I’m sorry, son.”

“Son? Son? You dare call me son in the same sentence as banishing me to the colonies?” My voice had risen. Remaining calm didn’t matter. It afforded me nothing.

He leaned forward to sever our connection, but my next question stopped him. “And who will be your heir?”

“You have many distant cousins, Nial. Perhaps Commander Deston will provide an heir with his new bride. If not, I’m sure the people would welcome the ancient customs once more.”

The ancient customs…

“A Death Match?” He would rather see good, strong warriors fight to the death for the right to be Prime than to even consider his own son? Simply because that son had some Hive biotech grafts in his flesh?

“May the strongest warrior survive.”

If I could have reached through the screen and punched him in the face, I would have. “You would see our finest warriors die?”

I’d thought the man uncaring. Unfeeling, at least toward me. I realized that it extended to everyone. He’d see strong men fight needlessly, die needlessly, all because he was… So. Fucking. Cruel.

“There is no heir. It is our way.”