The doctor nodded. “Certainly. I have heard good reports from the various mentors about your mate’s progress.”

“Yes, she was quite resistant to being watched at first, especially when I feasted on her pussy, but she seems to have gotten over that concern.”

I flushed hotly, remembering the way Tor had pleasured me so ruthlessly in the training hut, my legs tied open so I could not resist. But the heat climbing my cheeks was also caused by the way he talked about me. I wasn’t a possession, but he spoke of me as one.

“I’m right here,” I muttered, my eyes narrowing at Drogan.

The doctor remained silent, but one brow winged up.

“I have been working on her behavior, but it is a… struggle.”

Drogan sounded as if he was working with an untrainable puppy.

“What punishment methods have you utilized?”

“Spanking, of course.”

“Some use a mate’s bottom hole as a sure way to maintain obedience.”

I wanted to kill the doctor, but I assumed that would be taking the term recalcitrant too far.

Drogan slid his big hand down my back. “I’m pleased to say that my bride enjoys ass play too much for it to be considered any kind of punishment.”

My cheeks burned then and I looked at the floor.

“Ah, yes, I remember you spent time with the ass-training mentor.”

Drogan squeezed my side, perhaps in reassurance.

“She has a very tight hole. More stretching is required before I can take her there, but she is quite responsive to anal play. I look forward to how she reacts to my cock plundering that virgin portal.”

I looked up at him and my mouth fell open. I wanted it too, but… geez.

“Let’s begin the examination, shall we?” The doctor moved to a table that looked just like one in my gynecologist’s office on earth. I stalled as I stared at it.

“Here?” I whispered to Drogan. “There are going to be people in the room while I’m examined.”

The woman still stood in the corner, the two men remaining near her. Another man came and went. There was zero privacy.

“Doctor, my mate responds better to rewards than punishment.”

Drogan turned to face me as his fingers gripped the hem of my dress and lifted it, higher and higher, until the fabric of my dress was hooked over his forearm. While I felt the cool room air on my lower legs, I was still covered to everyone in the room. His finger nudged my clit ring before sliding past it, over my slit, parting me, then easily slipping two fingers inside me.

I grabbed his forearms as I whispered his name, this time in need, not embarrassment.

Leaning down, he whispered in my ear so only I could hear. “I feel our seed deep inside you. Do you know what it does to me to know you’ve been marked?”

His voice, while quiet,

was filled with his own desire. He was as affected as I, but he had to be the strong one. I could barely form a coherent thought, but I knew he was under scrutiny as much as I. He had to get me off to prove his dominance and I had to give in to prove I was his match. The way his expert fingers found my G-spot and began stroking it, that wasn’t going to be hard. “You’re going to come for me, then you’re going to let the doctor examine you. Nothing else, all right?”

I let my forehead fall against his solid chest as I dug my fingers into his biceps. “Yes!” I cried. My orgasm was so swift that I didn’t stifle the one word.

I was panting hard as I tried to catch my breath, to recover. Drogan slipped his fingers from me, let the dress fall back to the floor. Tilting my chin up, I watched as he licked my arousal from his fingers.

“There is no question, doctor, that the match is strong.”

“None, indeed,” he replied. “Your seed power is potent.”