“You have a punishment coming first.” Tor picked me up and carried me over to a chair, where he shifted and moved me so I lay across his lap.

I tried to wiggle off his lap, but he was very insistent keeping me in place. His leg hooked over mine and a hand stroked over my belly. “This may be the last over the knee spanking for a while.”

“I don’t need a spanking,” I huffed.

“I told you to be silent and you spoke as we fled the hut. Your safety is tantamount and you put yourself in danger.”

“I was worried about my men!”

Drogan and Lev squatted down so they were level with my face. Lev stroked my hair behind my ear. “I am pleased me to hear your words, Leah, but Tor is right. We entrusted him with your life and your disobedience made it more difficult for him to keep you safe.”

“You will receive a count of ten,” Tor said, stroking his hand over my bottom.

“Then we will complete the mating union,” Drogan added. “We can’t tell all of Viken that we are a family if the union isn’t official.”

“And I want to breach this virgin ass of yours.” As Tor spoke, he slid a finger over my pussy and up to circle my back entrance. With my arousal coating his finger, he nudged the tip inside of me and I clenched down on it. “You like that idea, don’t you?” he asked, one second before he brought his other palm down on the curve of my bottom.

I startled at the surprise of it, but it wasn’t overly hard.

“Count, Leah,” he said.

“One,” I replied, staring at Drogan and Lev.

“I only wanted to know you were safe,” I told them.


I sucked in a deep breath. That one was harder. “Two,” I replied through clenched teeth.

Drogan’s eyes flared with something, not heat, more like love. “We know, but it’s our job to protect you. It’s your job to protect that baby of ours.”


The baby. God, if I’d been caught or hurt, the baby would have been hurt, too. I had only thought of them. I hadn’t thought of what we’d made, of the person growing inside of me. The little girl. “I’m sorry.”

“We can’t take care of her like you can,” Lev added. He kept his hand on my face, cupping my jaw. His thumb stroked over my cheek and wiped a tear away.


“Four.” I was crying. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I didn’t think. This baby, it’s… it’s so new. I had no idea I’d have three men that I feared for. I didn’t know I’d have a baby inside me.”


“Then this will help be a reminder of your new life,” Tor said. “How many?”

“Five,” I whispered.


“This will be a reminder that you have three men who care enough about you to spank your bare bottom when you need it. To fuck you when you need it. To love you.”

“All the time,” Drogan added.

The idea of being loved by all three of these men made my tears fall unbidden. They slid down my cheeks and onto Lev’s fingers.

“I love you, too,” I said, sobbing.

Tor struck me again and again over different parts of my body, but I didn’t count any longer, only lay wilted and crying over his lap. When he was all done, he stroked his hand over my tingling, hot skin as Lev wiped the tears from my cheeks.