Drogan and I moved closer until we all three stood over her, staring down with… awe. An argument was inevitable.


heard men from Sector One like to fuck in public,” Lev said, looking to me.

There was truth there. Fucking in my sector was not necessarily a private affair. Family ties were important. Sometimes, if a male wanted to breed his mate, and they wanted the child to be welcomed with open arms, he claimed her, impregnated her publicly. If a female suffered and needed her mate’s seed, if the need was great enough, he took her whenever and wherever she needed him. A mate’s needs came above all else.

I was accustomed to being watched, to watching others, so if I had to witness my brothers fucking, it would not be a hardship. What would be difficult was to watch them fuck her.

“Sector Two men need to tie a mate down in order to get her beneath him,” I countered.

Lev’s jaw clenched. “We do not bind our women to rape them. There is pleasure in the taking, and the women eagerly submit.”

“She is bound. She has no choice,” Drogan added.

Lev looked ready to kill. “She wants to be bound, to submit.” He turned to Drogan. “Why are you so bothered by what we do in Sector Two? Sector Three men eat pussy like it’s candy. I’ve heard you prefer eating pussy to actually fucking.”

Drogan grinned, not bothered at all by Lev’s statement. “We do enjoy a nice wet female, sometimes for hours.” Drogan’s eyes darkened with the same lust I was feeling as he stared at our new mate. “I can’t wait to get my mouth between her thighs and taste her. To use my tongue over her little clit ring and bring her to orgasm again and again. To hear her beg.” He leaned over and inhaled deeply, drawing her scent into his lungs. “I will taste her until she screams, and then I will fuck her until she screams for more.”

Our bickering stopped as we all seemed to be lost in our personal fantasies. It was obvious to me that we all had an identical reaction to the female. I looked, and I lusted. I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and take her home, strap her down in the town square, and fuck her with the entire town watching me plant my seed in her womb.

But that wouldn’t happen now. We would have to claim her here, at Viken United. Here, on this island of neutral ground. And it would have to be done with my brothers.

She hadn’t moved and we stood staring at her as if she were a puzzle we could not solve.

“We can agree that fucking her will not be a chore,” Lev said. “However we go about it, however it makes our cocks hard, it will be a pleasure.”

“Yes,” I agreed. My cock was already hard and I was just looking at her completely clothed. I could only imagine how I’d feel once she was naked before us.

“Yes,” Drogan confirmed.

“Can we agree then—” I began, shifting my cock in my pants, “—that we should focus not on our differences, but focus on what we now must protect and cherish together. Her.”

“If he expects us to breed her and then abandon her and the child, he is mistaken,” I said, my voice laced with the lifetime of anger. “Sector One’s belief in family—a mother and a father caring for their children—is very specific. I won’t let this child grow up as I have.” I offered each of my brothers a quick glance. “I will kill anyone who tries to take her, or my child, from me.”

I’d been an orphan. No real mother or father. I’d been raised by the government, by nannies and tutors, without a family. It had not been easy. In fact, it had been fucking awful. There was no way I’d subject anyone to that, let alone my very own child.

“The politics behind this can wait. Once she awakens, she cannot,” Lev replied.

“Neither can my cock,” Drogan muttered.

Both Lev and I smiled at that.

We looked down upon her for a moment. “She will be afraid. She belongs to not one man, but three,” Drogan said. “Look at us.”

I glanced at my brothers. We were big and troublesome, cranky and aggressive. We were bred to be leaders; our size, our power, made us fierce. “We are not tame,” I added.

“We may not have like minds on much, but we must agree about her and how we take her.” Lev angled his head at the sleeping woman. “I refuse to let her suffer. As Tor said, I refuse to leave a child to grow up under the regent’s care.”

He spat the word “care,” for the regent wouldn’t care for a child any more than he would a family pet.

Drogan nodded and looked at me and Lev. “She is ours.”

“If this isn’t a trap and she chooses us,” I confirmed. “Agreed?”

“Agreed,” Lev and Drogan replied at the same time.

“Which one of us will stand with the other men to prove the match?” Drogan asked.