Page 28 of Fist

Suddenly I come, and I cry out again and again as the ecstasy floods my body. I clench my pussy, again and again, clinging to him to make the waves continue.

He groans and arches his back, thrusting into me with jerking movements. I hold him as tightly as I can in every way. He pulls my hair again, and I whimper. With a final thrust, he releases an explosive breath, and slowly the tension drains out of his muscles.

Finally, he collapses on top of me, and we stay there catching our breaths for a few moments. I shift slightly under his weight so I can breathe and close my eyes.

He stays inside of me until he grows softer. With one hand, he reaches over and pulls down the blankets of the bed. We both shift just enough to put our heads on the pillows. Immmwith pleasure and kiss his shoulder.

He turns over on his side, pulling me against him and curling an arm around my waist. I smile. I feel exhausted and sore in the delicious ways only sex can make me feel. I clench my muscles one more time, sending an echo of pleasure skittering through me.

Sighing happily, I close my eyes and quickly fall asleep.



Two weeks of being married haven’t dulled my appetite for Mindi. During our two-week-long honeymoon, I showed her some of the west coast. We went where we wanted, when we wanted, and it was fucking glorious.

I was torn about leaving, but Dad insisted. He told me to enjoy time with my new wife, that the shit with Red would still be here when we got back. So, Mindi and I packed my saddlebags and took off for a couple of carefree weeks.

We just got back, and we’re unpacking our bags. Mindi’s separating dirty clothes from clean ones and looking sexy doing it. I smack her ass as she passes by me.

She yelps in surprise then narrows her eyes. “I know what that smirk means, Fist. You can’t possibly want to have sex now. Not again.”

“Sweetness, I always want to have sex with you,” I tell her. “And even though we’ve had sex every night—and most days—for the past two weeks, and even though my dick may be in danger of falling off, it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

She snickers. “We’ll take that risk later. Go on and catch up with your brothers. I know you want to. I’ll be busy unpacking for a while.”

I give her a kiss and head to the main room of the clubhouse so I can find out what’s been going on. Dad meets me there and hands me a beer as we settle in at a table.

“You look happy, son,” he tells me.

“I am, and Mindi and I can tell you all about our honeymoon later. Right now, I want to know what you know. Tell me what’s happened since we left.”

Dad sighs and takes a long pull of his beer before responding. “Glacier, Cracker, and Bear have been heading out to the surrounding towns to do some snooping. Bear heard about a guy on the rez who’s been moving some dope. Since Bear’s the only one of us who can get on the rez, we’ve sent him on a solo run.”

“Goddamn it,” I mutter, running a hand through my hair. It’s too fucking risky. Way too risky.

“I know,” Dad responds. “I don’t like it either. Nobody does. But he’s the only one the people will trust, so we have to respect it.”

“What are the standing orders?” I ask tersely.

“If the dope is on the rez, he has orders to use the tribe to get it off the rez. Otherwise, it could affect our relationship with the local reservations in a negative way. Bear understands this, and he can handle it.”

“I know he can. He’s one of the best men I know. But I don’t like him going in alone. And I don’t like that Red has a metaphorical gun pointed at the club. We need to shut this shit down and fast.”

“I agree. We’re doing all we can right now. Go on back and enjoy your first night home with Mindi. Tomorrow is soon enough for you to jump back in.”

I nod and finish my beer before going back to find Mindi bustling around our bedroom. I pull her down onto the bed and snuggle her close.

“What’s wrong?” she asks softly.

I blow out a breath and decide to tell her the gist of what’s going on. She’s quiet as I talk, letting me run through the facts, my frustration, and my fear. When I wind down, she cups my face and looks into my eyes.

“I have every bit of faith in you, in your father, and in this club. You’ll handle this, Fist, and itwillhave the right outcome for you. For us,” she amends with a smile. “You’re all so strong and capable, and I know we don’t have anything to worry about.”

Her simple faith in my club and in me touches my soul. I give her a slow, sweet kiss. Pretty soon, I move on to other interesting parts of her anatomy, and my worries fade as lust takes over.