Noah stood with his arms crossed, eyes narrowed. “Forgive me. I’m not hungry.”

“That’s fine. I’m not offended. I brought wine for Caleb. I know how you vampires love your reds.”

He raised a brow. “You’re thorough, but this seems a mite out of your purview.”

“Part of the reason Caleb brought me here was to provide care and comfort for Sunday. He never mentioned there’d be so many of you. But I’m nothing if not adaptable. You have to be in my line of work. Babies love to make their own plans.”

Seeming satisfied, Noah backed down before taking the bottle out of her bag and pulling the cork.

“Yes, I have four mates. Caleb wasn’t sure they’d... make it in time, though. This is Alek, Kingston, and Noah.”

“And which one is the father?”

“I am,” they all said in unison.

Victoria started.

“All of us,” Noah clarified firmly.

Her mouth fell open in a little O, but she corrected herself and looked to Kingston. “Why don’t you help yourself to a brownie? I saw you eyeing them. I’ll serve the cocoa.”

He gave her a look brimming with suspicion as he stalked over to the pyramid of desserts and selected one off the top. Holding her gaze, he gave it a sniff before finally taking a bite. His eyes widened. “These are pretty good.”

Victoria snickered. “I’m so glad you think so.”

Noah plated a brownie and handed it to me, some of the tension leaving him as he grew more comfortable having this stranger in our home.

As I took a bite, Victoria leaned in and whispered, “They’re actually vegan and very good for you. Don’t tell the boys.”

“Secret’s safe with me,” I promised, taking a bite of my own.

“Have a seat. We can get to know each other better before we get down to business.” Victoria poured rich hot chocolate out of a thermos into our mismatched mugs, then distributed the delicious drinks to each of us, herself included.

As she pulled one of the dining table chairs into the living room, she smiled and raised her cup. “To new friends and a new world for all of you.”

We joined her, all of us watching as she lifted the mug to her lips.

“What is that, cinnamon?” Alek asked, taking a second sip and draining his entire cup.

“Jesus, Nordson. Show a little decorum,” Noah chided before taking his own large taste. “I think it’s chili powder.”

“Really? It tastes like hazelnut to me, or maybe maple?” Kingston took a deep gulp as well, slurping loudly.

“You’d think they hadn’t eaten in weeks,” I muttered, sharing a look with Victoria.

“They grow fast, but men are all little boys at heart when it comes to sweets. You’ll see.”

Bringing my cocoa to my mouth, I let the liquid coat my tongue. “No. It’s... caramel. Coffee and dark chocolate, maybe? What’s in this?”

“Oh, just a little of this, a dash of that. It’s a secret recipe.”

Alek’s eyes grew heavy, his shoulders relaxing from his place next to me on the couch. My poor Viking had been pushing through his recovery for me. I knew it. He pretended he was back to normal, but the truth was on obvious display. He’d used his power to give us a bigger place to live; now he was paying the price of doing too much too soon.

I shifted my attention, ready to ask Kingston to help Alek to bed, when I noticed his head drooping. Before I could comment, Noah’s mug slipped from his fingers and crashed to the floor, shattering with a loud clatter. The guys didn’t move. They were dead to the world.

Dread settled heavily in my stomach as tingles of foreboding raced along my spine.

“Be a good girl, Sunday.” Victoria’s voice sounded different, familiar somehow, but I couldn’t quite place it. Everything around me was growing foggy, and it was nearly impossible to keep my eyes open.

K. Loraine's Novels