“What’s the saying? Irish twins?”

I laughed, my chest filling with thousands of tiny joyous bubbles. “Are you sure?”

“Would I risk telling you if I wasn’t?”

“Not after last time,” I said, grinning at the memory of her reddened arse when she’d played a similar trick on me only a month after Eden’s birth.

“Are you mad?”

A shocked sound escaped me. “Mad? Why would another babe make me angry?”

She nuzzled closer, her fingers dragging across my throat where my shirt collar was open. “Could you pretend it makes you angry, Daddy?”

“Oh. Oh, aye. I can.”

Sitting up, she stretched, her breasts pressing against her thin shirt, tempting me. “Put the baby in her crib, Caleb. We need to celebrate.”

I gave my wife a kiss and gently untangled myself from her so as not to jostle Eden. Laying her down, I couldn’t help but gaze at her, running the tip of my finger over her little button nose.

“We make beautiful babies,a stor.”

“We do,” she agreed, coming up behind me to rest her face between my shoulder blades, hands already working my belt open.

Turning to face my wife, I put on my most stern voice. “What do you think you’re doing, Miss Fallon?”

The smile she gave me sent a bolt of lust straight to my dick. “Being naughty, Father Gallagher.”

“That you are. I think it’s time for you to get on your knees.”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

I knew the dream was fleeting. That this stolen moment would disappear when reality pulled me back. But for now? I was going to cling to it for all I was worth.



“Noah!” Rosie’s screams pierced through the chaos erupting all around me, her cry for help echoing in my mind as I stood outside Blackthorne Manor, watching smoke pour from the broken windows.

The house was on fire. We were under attack.

“Noah, please, save her!” My father crouched next to Mother’s too-still form, agony on his face. “She needs you. Don’t let her die.”

Heart pounding, I blurred to the door, rushing through the billowing black cloud, choking on its acrid scent. All around me, people ran for the exit, hitting me as I worked against the current of escaping staff. With every step, the air grew heavier until it was unbearably hot and I could feel the hair on my arms curling as it was singed.

“Master Blackthorne, don’t go that way. There’s no way out.” A serving girl I’d never seen before grabbed my hand and tried to pull me toward the front door. Her skin was reddened from the heat, and ash streaked her face.

“Let go of me. I am not leaving without my sister.”

“Suit yourself.”

The girl took off without another word, pushing against the crush of bodies to get out of the house.

I continued my descent down into Callie’s lab, spotting my aunt’s specter hovering outside the door.

“I tried, but I... there’s nothing I can do. Noah. You have to save her.”

A beam fell, narrowly missing my head as I jumped out of the hallway and into the lab, where my sister was caught beneath a large pile of rubble. I could just make out the satin of her headband and one of her pale arms reaching toward me.

K. Loraine's Novels