“Why am I back here, Lilith? You’re supposed to be helping us save Sunday. I can’t do that bound in your dungeon.”

I couldn’t see her through my closed eyes, but I knew if I opened them, she’d feed again. A seductive chuckle right next to my ear had my skin crawling. “Oh, darling, what are you talking about? You never left this room. Sunday is gone.”

“No. She’s in Ireland. I’m with her. We’re together.”

She dragged her fingers through my hair and fisted the locks, tugging my head back. “But you’re not. You’re here with me. You have been the entire time. Oh, and the fun we’ve been up to. I don’t even mind that you called me Sunday every time you came. The poor sweet lamb. She thought you were so devoted. That you’d protect her. Instead, you betrayed her simply so you could relieve your pent-up desire.”

No. I would never be unfaithful. It’s only Sunny. No one else. Ever.

“Try to convince yourself otherwise, Aleksandr. But the truth is right here between my thighs.”

“Release me, demon.” I tugged on my chains, snarling as rage and frustration coursed through me.

A moan filtered to my ears, but I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes. No matter where I looked, I saw Sunday taking her fill of me. It was shameful how hard my cock was even now. I knew I was simply being used, fed from like I was the succubus’ personal fucking buffet, while she tormented me.

“I don’t know why you’re being so surly. I’m giving you everything you could ever want. It’s your fault you’re not enjoying it. You could be there, fucking her with all you have, writhing in pleasure just like the Alek you see, but instead, you’re acting as if I’m forcing you to watch some heinous documentary. Give in, Alek. Enjoy yourself. You know you want to. You know I make it good for you.”

“Enough!” I roared, struggling in earnest. I turned my thoughts inward, searching for a sign of the rage-fueled beast to come to my aid. But my berserker was nowhere to be found. All that remained was soul-deep panic and unwanted arousal.

“Oh, don’t go looking for him, handsome. I took him first. Thanks for that, by the way.” She took me by the chin and forced me to look at her. “I will never get my fill of you. Mmm, you are ever so delicious. I could feed on you for centuries.” She trailed a long, talon-like nail down my chest. “In fact. I think I will. And when you finally have nothing left to give, I’ll take all that sweet Novasgardian power you’ve been feeding me and pay your family a visit. Collect that twin of yours. Oh... I bet your father tastes even better than you.”

“Noah! Kingston! Stop her!” I had to tell them. Get them out of here so they could find another way to Sunday.

“Oh, pet, they’re long since dead. I drained them dry in moments. Poor dears. They never stood a chance. Not like you. A god in your own right. You and I are going to have fun for years to come. You belong to me now.”

“The only woman I belong to is Sunny.”

She laughed. “No, darling. Not anymore. But let’s play this game. If I were to let you go right now, she would never take you back. Not after you betrayed her. Not after you filled me time and again with your seed while you left her to rot on some godforsaken island. You failed your mate, in word and in deed.”

I retched, my stomach revolting at the idea of fucking her. I hadn’t known. I wouldn’t have done it if I’d known. She’d tricked me, made me believe I’d been with my Sunny. My Kærasta. I—

She clapped her hands together and let out a pleased giggle. “Oh, how much messier could this get for you? Perhaps you put a little godling in my belly?”

“No,” I groaned.

“How would you explain that to your Sunday? Do you think she’d forgive you? Take you back?” She hummed. “No. I don’t believe she would. It will crush her.”

“Lilith, how could you do this? We trusted you.Shetrusted you.”

“A deal with a demon never ends well for the person taking that risk. You should know that.” She gripped my chin and forced my head up. “Open your eyes, Viking. Since you’ve been so, so good to me, I want to give you a little present. Something to ease a bit of that heartache. As much as I’ve been enjoying the decadent flavor of your fear and despair, I want to sample your hope.”

“Are you mad?”

“Alek, please help me.” Sunday’s panicked cry called to me. “Oh, God. It hurts.”

“Sunny,” I hissed, giving in and opening my eyes.

“Oh, you’re simply too easy. Honestly, I’d hoped for more of a challenge.” The demon stood before me, her dark hair a mass of waves, clad in the same corset-outfit she wore when last I saw her. “For my next trick...” She snapped her fingers, and her body changed into Sunny’s. Her eyes were beautiful but haunted as she stared at me and spoke in my mate’s voice. “Why would you hurt me like this, Alek? All I did was love you.”

I was going insane. I couldn’t take this. “No. No, Sunny. I didn’t. I wouldn’t.”

“But you did.” The dark croon wasn’t Lilith’s sultry tone or even my sweet Sunday’s. It was colder. Darker. Pure evil.

The woman in front of me snapped her fingers again, revealing a third form. She was still all woman, but clearly demonic. She had small black horns sprouting from her hairline, and her eyes... they were an eerie, milky white. No pupil, no color. She smiled, revealing two sets of fangs.

“Who are you?”

The sound of hoofbeats filled my ears, so loud I winced.

K. Loraine's Novels