Alek cut Thorne a glance and nodded in agreement. “She won’t make it easy. Whatever you do. Don’t fucking stop until you’re sure she’s dead.”

“Wasn’t planning on it.”

I shifted, letting my wolf take over as the feral urge to defend my pup rushed to the forefront. I didn’t care about the end of the fucking world. I cared about getting my daughter out of that evil bitch’s hands. I’d stop her, or I’d die trying.

Lifting my face to the sky, I howled. Alek took up my cry with a savage shout of his own as we raced down the path that would lead us to the beach and the hellish clouds that were already spiraling down. I knew only bad things waited for us if it made contact with the land.

As soon as my paws hit the sand, I saw the horsewoman standing under the building storm, one hand raised as though calling it to her. This was our moment. She wasn’t paying attention to anything other than the raging funnel above her. The baby was nestled in her other arm, screaming at the top of her lungs, face red and angry. A tiny beacon calling to me.

Give her hell, baby. Daddy’s coming.

Alek snarled and manifested a fucking huge ax in one hand as he stalked toward her. But before he made it five feet onto the shore, she turned and stared us down, exasperation on her face. A face I knew very well. I could have been looking into the future, my Sunshine staring back at me ten to fifteen years from now.

What the actual fuck.

“You couldn’t just leave well enough alone, could you? You just had to play the heroes. Well, boys, here’s a little pro tip from me. In matters of War, the heroes rarely survive.”

“I guess that depends what side you’re on,” Thorne spat.

“Oh, sweetheart, there’s only my side.”

She snapped her fingers, and the entire beach shook. Sand exploded upward, momentarily obscuring my view of her. When it settled, three towering giants stood between her and us. Fucking great. Of course she’d have some sort of monsters for us to fight.

I dug my claws into the beach, ready to do my level best to tear through them and rescue Eden. Thorne looked to me and then Alek.

“Together, then?”

Alek nodded, his grin bloodthirsty and manic as he raised his weapon and raced toward the creatures. “Valhalla awaits!”



Purpose unlike anything I’d ever experienced surged through my veins as I gave in to my beast. I was the son of Odin’s chosen warrior. A berserker in my own right, yet I’d never seen true battle. Born in a time of peace, I was a weapon newly forged. Untested.

Until today.

Today I would finally realize my glorious purpose. If I died, it would be with vengeance singing in my blood and Sunday’s name on my lips. I would earn my place in Valhalla amongst my ancestors.

As one, the three of us ran headlong toward the sand constructs. Kingston leapt into the air, Noah braced for a fight, and I went airborne. A sharp yelp of pain from the wolf briefly tore my focus from my target. The monster had Kingston in his hand, gripping tightly as the wolf squirmed and fought to get loose. Then he was hurled into the torrential waves, so far away I couldn’t see him.

In the next second, Thorne cried out. His giant shoved him to the earth, attempting to flatten him beneath one massive palm. I could hear the snapping of bones as the air was forced from his lungs.

My opponent would not be so lucky. I was much harder to kill.

Unable to spare the others any more of my attention, I refocused on the looming creature before me. I landed on its bent arm and kept running, using the friction of its sandy skin to aid in my efforts. It was big but slow, and it couldn’t knock me free before I was already up, standing on its shoulder.

“I never liked playing in the sand. But I suppose I could make an exception. Just this once.” I jumped, spinning in the air so I was facing its back, ax raised high before bringing the blade straight down on the crown of the beast’s head.

My weapon slid clean through, gravity lending me its aid as I rode the air all the way to the ground, cleaving it in two and landing in a crouch that would make even the Marvel superheroes proud.

“Alek, go!”

Thorne’s ragged shout spurred me on.

Already the giant was reforming, but I was too fast for it, my sights locked on the horsewoman holding my daughter. She looked like some kind of sorceress as she called the tunneling cloud down to the earth. I knew it was what she was waiting for. The only reason she was still here.

We were running out of time. If that evil mist touched down, all of this would be over.

K. Loraine's Novels