Turning my gaze on him, I frowned. “How could you know what I need?”

He held my stare, raising one perfect brow.

I blew out a breath. “Angel. Right. Fine.”

Silence stretched for a second before he bumped me with his shoulder. “We seem to have gotten a bit off topic. I’m trying to give you a gift, but you won’t let me.”

“A gift? What kind of gift?”

He pointed to the sky. “The heavenly kind. Straight from the top.”

“I’m listening.”

“One request. Anything you want. Here and now.”

My chest fucking broke open as possibilities raced through my mind, chief among them Caleb. Could he bring Caleb back to me? I nearly cried out in anguished relief at the thought. But then... would he still be under the spell? Would he even want me... us?

“Where is Caleb, Gabriel?”

His expression was serene. “At peace.”


“Heaven. Specifically,hisheaven. Would you like to hear about it?”

The fist around my heart squeezed, and it was a struggle to breathe, so all I could manage was a jerky nod.

“It’s a perfect summer day. Not a cloud in the sky. He’s currently pushing your daughter on a swing and counting butterflies. You’re there too, sitting on a blanket beside a picnic basket, nursing your son. We gave him the life he dreamed of. Most don’t get that. Caleb’s sacrifice deserved something special.”

It nearly killed me, hearing that Caleb was truly gone, even as it brought me so much joy to hear that he wasn’t alone. Even if I was. Sucking in a ragged breath, I wiped the tears from my cheeks, steeling myself. I couldn’t be selfish. Not when Caleb had finally gotten the only thing he’d ever really wanted. I had to let him go. I had to let them all go.

Fresh tears spilled from my lashes. “I want you to undo the love spell.”

“Are you certain?”


“Yes, Gabriel. I can’t keep them trapped. Free will, right? Aren’t you guys pretty big on that whole thing?”

“We are. It’s kind of our motto.”

“Free them. I need them to have the lives they were meant for, not ones they were forced into.”

He booped me on the nose. “Consider it done.”

“Just like that?”

“Not quite just like that. This may hurt.”

My neck burned, both sides caught in a searing pain that only lasted for a second at most, followed by the same sensation on my inner arm. And I knew. They were gone. My mating marks. Our bonds. I’d truly set them free.

He reached out and caught a tear as it slid down my cheek. Holding it up, he inspected the droplet. “Have faith. If not in us, at least in them.”

“I do. That’s why I let them go.”

“Well played, Sunday Fallon. And you were right about one thing. You’re no pawn. You’re the most powerful piece on the board.”


K. Loraine's Novels