Sunday latched on, needing little encouragement. My pulse raced, and with each pull, the bond was formed. I came, spilling deep inside her as her mind opened fully to me once more.

“I missed you, dove.”

“I missed you too.”

From my vantage behind her, I saw Alek lean back, lips glistening, eyes hooded. Spotting the line of crimson rolling down Sunday’s belly, he lifted up, catching the bead of her blood and licking her clean. A groan of pleasure escaped him, eyes closed, expression euphoric.

When he opened his eyes, there were little flickers of lightning in the pure black depths. The berserker had come out to play. Holding Sunday’s gaze, he swiped his thumb over his lips, smearing them with red.

Why was that so bloody arousing?

Sunday shuddered in my arms. She had taken her pleasure from both of us, and I felt every last wave. Then she released her hold on my wrist and leaned her head back against my shoulder before whispering, “More.”


Sunday’s harsh rasp,combined with the barely banked heat in her gaze, had my already throbbing length weeping with need.

“You’re up, mate.”

I shot Thorne a look, making it clear I wasn’t asking for his fucking permission as I scooped up our girl and lifted her out of the hot tub. The smug, sated grin on his face would have earned him a fist to the throat any other time. Instead, I carried her with one arm, using my other to flip the vampire off as I moved us to the cabana not far away.

“How do you want me, Alek?” Fuck, I loved her voice when it went all breathy and hungry for me.

“I love watching you bounce on my cock like it’s your favorite ride in the world.”

She peppered sweet kisses across my shoulder and chest and then flicked her tongue over my nipple, sending sparks shooting through me. “It is one of my favorites. So big and thick.” She moved until her lips were at my ear. “No one stretches me the way you do.”

Now who wore a smug grin?


I did.

Thorne couldn’t see my face, but I knew he could hear every word she whispered. I only wished that cocky fucking wolf was here to hear it as well. He could do with a reminder that not all of us needed accessories to get the job done. Maybe I’d name my dick too. Xander had a nice ring to it. Or maybe Excalibur. That was a mighty magical sword, wasn’t it? Mjölnir might be more appropriate, but that was too obvious.

I didn’t release her as I sat on the bed-like cushion in the cabana, only adjusted my hold and shifted her so by the time I was on my back, she was astride me. Gods, she was beautiful. Dark hair tumbling wildly down her shoulders, curling over the tops of her breasts.

Her eyes glinted with lust as she raised up on her knees and reached for my length. I helped her along, my fist gripping the base and placing my head at her hot, slick entrance.

“I love you, elskan mín.”

Then she slowly lowered herself until I was sheathed fully. I couldn’t hold back my hiss of pleasure at the feel of her around me. She was so small, and I was so fucking big. It never got old, this feeling. The completion that came from having my mate take me. A hundred years from now, I’d still want her like this.

Sunny rolled her hips, and we moaned in unison. I gripped her by the waist, halting the movement.

“Wait, Kærasta. I need to see my mark on you.”

Her eyes met mine, shining with arousal, yes, but also so much love it nearly stole my breath. “Do it. Please. I’ve missed having your name on my body, seeing mine on yours.”

Calling on my power, I ran my fingers along the smooth flesh of her inner arm, branding it with my runes. Staking my claim. She shuddered and groaned as the magic ran through us both, her pussy fluttering around my cock.

“Oh, we should have done it like this the first time,” she whispered. Apology instantly flitted through her eyes. “I... I’m sorry. You don’t remember.”

“Don’t apologize for that. I’m yours. Now I get to make a new memory of claiming what’s mine, and from the sound of things, get it right.” I took her hand and drew it to my left side, right along my ribs. “Help me put you back where you belong.”

She shifted forward just enough that my crown pressed against her womb, making us both suck in harsh breaths at the sensation.

“Do you remember what they look like?”

K. Loraine's Novels