Before the fantasy faded entirely, I allowed myself a last second of make-believe. In my world, my cum was dripping out of her after I pulled out, the evidence of what I’d done to her sliding down her thighs. We couldn’t have that. I took two fingers and pushed my gift to her back inside where it belonged. Filling her just like I’d promised.

The water had run cold again by the time I finally opened my eyes. My breath still coming in shallow pants, my seed painted on the shower wall. Despite my earth-shattering climax, I was still hard and aching with need.

Fucking hell.

I shut off the water with a low growl, stunned to the core when the sudden silence was broken by a whimpered moan. I snapped my head to the door, eyes noting the shadow beneath it.

Sunday.She was on the other side. Pleasuring herself right along with me. I could smell it.

Blurring to the door, I reached for the knob, cock straining, body searching for my mate. She was in need, and I was hardwired to care for her. I could help her. And she could help me.

I pressed my palms against the wood, listening to her trying to swallow her cries.

“Caleb?” she whispered.

Feck. Did I answer her? Go to her?

“Sunday. Tell me you love me and I’ll make you feel good.” I was a glutton for her. She knew it as well as I did. “I’ll replace those fingers of yours with my cock.”

Her heartbeat picked up, breath catching as she leaned against the door, shifting the wood beneath my hands.

“You know I can’t. Not until you give me what I need.”

In my haze, I purposely misinterpreted her words. I’d give her exactly what she fucking needed.

Throwing open the door, I caught her as she fell into me. I lifted her easily, placing her on the counter.


“Shut up. Let me give this to you.”

Dropping to my knees, I took her soft leggings with me until the beautiful dripping cunt I’d been fantasizing about was right there. Begging me to eat it.

I buried my face between her thighs and made her come over and over until she ran like a fountain for me. I didn’t take my time, draw it out. I gave her exactly what she needed. What we both needed, if I was being honest.

When I finished, and she was reduced to a quivering mess, I stood, wiping my lips with the back of my hand.

But my Sunday wouldn’t meet my eyes. She allowed me to help her down from the vanity and right her clothing but pulled her hand from mine as soon as possible. Then, turning an icy stare on me, she said, “This doesn’t change things between us, Caleb.”

She left me and my pathetic heart in her wake, leaving us behind with all the grace of a queen.

I realized then how selfish of me it was to ask for her love when I was destined to destroy her. But I wanted it anyway. It was my only solace.

Because when this was finished between us, all I would have were my memories of our short time together. And my soul. But what good was a soul when your entire reason for being hated you? Besides, if Sunday was my temptation to resist, I’d fail and be damned all over again anyway.

That was the thing about sin. It was wrong and self-serving, but fuck, did it feel good.

At least for a little while.



Three days since Sunday’s abduction

My blood hummed with anxious energy with every beat of my heart as I made yet another circle around the Blackthorne grounds. I felt caged. Restless. Too many variables sent me spiraling at the best of times, but now? Now I could barely stand to be in my own skin.

The Society meeting was scheduled, but we had to wait. The search for Sunday was underway, but we had to wait. I was so bloody tired ofwaiting.

K. Loraine's Novels