Ashiver ran through me as I carefully crouched in front of the hearth to light the fire. This storm seemed never-ending. Rain pelted the windows; wind howled with the force of a banshee, rattling the very walls of the house. Of course, Caleb slept through it because the sun was technically still up, but try as I might, I couldn’t.

It had been so loud at one point that the rain sounded like bullets, and I’d been convinced the glass panes were seconds away from shattering. I’d been up ever since, moving around the house, trying to keep myself busy.

There wasn’t a whole lot to do. I could only refold a blanket or organize the pantry so many times. Chewing on my bottom lip, I made a mental note to ask Caleb about our supplies. Things were a little sparse, and with the way this storm refused to die out, it wasn’t likely a boat would be docking here anytime soon.

My stomach growled as the flames finally caught in the fireplace, the wood crackling and heat radiating into the room.See, I don’t need a man to do everything for me. I can take care of myself.But, as I glanced at the one remaining log in the basket, I said a little prayer of thanks Caleb would be here to go get more. I didn’t want to go outside. Not if I could help it.

A sort of calm had settled over us over the last day. Something had shifted after our time in the church, a sense of belonging we hadn’t been able to admit to before. I only wished my other mates were here too, sharing a home and a life with me like they should be.

The cottage was way too small for the five of us, well, six once Elodie joined us. Even so, I could perfectly picture Kingston in the kitchen, a towel draped over his shoulder as he made dinner. Alek sprawled on the couch, our baby in his lap while he sang softly. Noah in a chair by the fire, a book in his hands.

My heart twisted, and I pushed to my feet. I needed to keep moving. The quiet gave me entirely too much room to think. And thoughts weren’t safe right now.

Switching on the kettle, I pulled a tea bag from the container and placed it in my favorite mug, waiting as the water came to a boil.

I smelled him before he touched me, that incense and spice scent that had haunted me since the night we first met. Something released inside me, pent-up tension I’d held coiled tight without even knowing. His hands slid around my waist before resting on my belly, cradling me gently.

“She’s shifted since last night. You’re carrying lower now.” There was an edge of worry in his voice.

“She’s growing so fast. I can breathe better, though, so at least there’s that. She was up in my ribs only last night.”

“Hmm.” He didn’t say anything else, but something told me this change in the baby’s position wasn’t good news.

I poured the hot water over my tea as he continued holding me. My thoughts were heavy, Caleb’s concerns adding to the emotional weight.

“You’re upset about something. I can see it in your posture,a stor. What sort of worries are tumbling around in your head?”

He pressed a soft kiss over the mark he’d given me, the small gesture sending a wash of desire through me.

“I’m not upset.”

A little growl rumbled in his throat. “Do we need to talk about you telling lies, Miss Fallon?”

“It’s not one of those commandments, is it?”

“It is in this house. Out with it.”

I smiled at the snarly command, knowing he only forced the issue because he wanted to make it better. Unfortunately, there was no way he could give me what I needed. Not if we remained here.

I contemplated telling him the truth, that a part of me would always feel incomplete without the rest of my mates, but I didn’t want to ruin the mood. Instead, I opted for another topic weighing on me.

“I’m worried we’re going to run out of food. There’s barely enough left to get us through the week.”

He rested his chin on my head as he pulled me closer. “Aye, that’s something I’ve had on my mind as well. This storm is vicious, and the supply boat won’t be able to traverse the water until it calms.”

“What are we going to do?”

“I’ll figure something out. Don’t go worrying yourself sick. I will always take care of you, Mrs. Gallagher.”

I let out a light giggle. “You keep calling me that, but I don’t see a ring on this finger.”

“You started calling me husband first.” Releasing his hold on me, he stepped away, and I instantly missed his touch.

I turned toward him, my gaze following as he picked up his scarf and tugged on one of its tassels, pulling free a few pieces of yarn. Discarding the scarf, he came back to me, a small, secretive smile ghosting across his lips.

“What are you up to?”

K. Loraine's Novels