“We don’t know he was cheating.”

“We do know he was cheating.”

“You said yourself, I didn’t catch him in the act.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, you’re right. Please, let’s continue to give him the benefit of the doubt. It obviously matters now.”

Emmy stuck out her tongue at him. “You’re terrible at being a good girlfriend,” she scolded.

“Are you saying one of your female friends wouldn’t be all, Girl, he’s a dog, you’re better off without his sorry cheating ass.” He snapped his fingers a few times and tossed his imaginary long hair. That time Emmy didn’t bother hiding her laugh.

“Well done.”

“I’m here all week.”

“I didn’t love him anymore,” she admitted.

“Because of Tucker?”

Her cheeks flushed with warmth at the mention of Tucker’s name. A familiar swell of happiness filled her belly and spread out through her, making her extremities tingle and causing her to smile uncontrollably.

“You got it bad,” Alex informed her.

Raising the cold, wet beer bottle to her face, Emmy tried to reduce the telltale redness from her skin, but with all the alcohol she’d had there was no point. She’d be ruddy all night.

“It’s not just Tucker. I think I’d been hanging on to things too long because I was afraid of change.”

Alex hummed the first bar of Fleetwood Mac’s “Landslide”, and Emmy punched him in the shoulder.

“Ow. Christ you pack a wallop for a girl.”

“Maybe the problem is you can’t take a hit like a man,” she snapped back, sick and tired of the phrase for a girl.

“Let’s not be mean.” Alex laughed, clearly no worse for wear from their banter. “I like you too much to be mean.”

“You have a weird way of showing it.”

“That’s how I love. Abrasive and cruel.”

“No wonder you’re single.”

He held a hand to his chest, feigning injury. “Harsh.”


“I’ll live.”

“Good, because someone needs to pay the tab.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Emmy came to with her head begging for mercy and her eyes resisting their natural inclination to open.

Don’t do it, they seemed to be saying. You’ll regret it.

She forced one eye open, and as promised, regretted the move instantly. Sharp pain shot through her head as the bright, unrelenting light of morning filled her vision. Everything went white from the shock of daylight, and she couldn’t see anything. Maybe it was for the best she shut her eyes again.

Swinging her legs off the bed, she shuffled forward blindly, searching for the robe she left on her closet door. Instead her hip crashed into a hard surface, causing the pain to redirect from her skull down to her leg.