Emmy got to him first and crouched in front of him, propping her hands on his shoulders. “Tucker?”


She snapped her fingers in front of his face, drawing his focus to her instead of—she presumed—the tiny cartoon birds floating around his head.

“You okay?”


“How many fingers am I holding up?” She raised all five.

“Five,” he said, his tone almost offended as if he wanted to know how she could ask such a stupid question.


“No?” His expression changed instantly from offense to fear.

“Four. And a thumb.”

Jasper laughed behind her, and Alex took a knee next to them. “Hey, Tuck.”

“Hi, Alex.” Tucker sat back and looked at the two of them uncertainly. “Did someone throw to first?”

“Yeah. Your skull managed to get it there.”

“Is he out?”



“That’s a way to say it.”

Emmy waved in front of Tucker. “Hi, hon, can we focus?”


Emmy brushed his hair back and sucked in a breath. A large red goose egg was blooming on his forehead, practically the size of the ball that had created it.

“I have to pull you,” she whispered.

Jasper handed her an ice pack, and she collected Tucker’s cap from the ground before holding the pack against his head.

“I can stay in.”

Alex—a veteran of taking balls to the head—laughed out loud. “Like hell.”

“Don’t listen to him.” Tucker pointed at Alex.

“I’m not listening to him,” Emmy said with a sigh. “You’re listening to me. You’ve taken a hit, your head is swollen and you might have a concussion. I can’t let you play, Tucker. I’m not going to risk that.”

“I can do it.”

“You might also drop dead on the mound before the end of the inning. I’m sorry. I’m pulling you.”

Behind Jasper, Chuck was standing with his arms crossed, watching the exchange. When Emmy and Alex helped Tucker to his feet, Chuck pushed by the assistant A.T. and met Emmy and Tucker at the base of the mound.

“How’s he doing?” Chuck asked.