But I don’t. No matter what I say, people won’t believe me. They take one look at gorgeous Jordan Tuttle and they’re star struck. They have a hard time believing little ol’ me could destroy him.

I did, though. I know I did. I broke my own heart and his too, and it sucks. Worse? I can’t take back what I did. I have to live with my stupid decision for the rest of my life. Instead of some stupid model who’s always on the cover of Vogue, it could’ve been me on his arm. Me staring into his beautiful blue eyes. Me living with him, touching him, kissing him…

“Forget him.” Lena waves a dismissive hand and smiles at me, leaning across the table like she’s about to share a big secret. “At least you have Cade.”

Hmm. Cade. Lena and I work for at a physical therapist office that specializes in sports medicine. I’ve always had a thing for football. My senior year I was a water girl for the football team, and that’s how I got so close to Jordan. Well, that and the fact that we went to school together forever and supposedly he’d had a crush on me since middle school. Oh, and then we messed around at that one party over the summer before our senior year, after I caught my then-boyfriend having sex with my supposed best friend and…

Yes. There’s a lot of history between Jordan and me. History that I can look back on with a sort of nostalgic fondness.

Whoops. I’m supposed to be focusing on Cade, not Jordan.

“Cade is sweet,” I confirm. He’s a new physical therapist who recently started working with us, and he’s super cute. He asked me on a date today and I said yes. We’re going to dinner and the movies on Saturday.

I think Lena is more excited about my date than I am.

“And he’s extremely good looking,” Lena adds, her eyes sparkling. “I think you two will make a great couple.”

“Maybe.” I shake my glass again, like that’s going to make a fresh drink appear.

“Oh, stop—you always do this with guys. You’re too cautious.”

“More like safe,” I correct. “And there’s no such thing as too cautious.”

Another roar of the crowd sounds from the TV and I glance up to watch as they replay a terrific throw by my ex-boyfriend. I tell myself to look away. Look away now.

But I can’t.

“I find it hard to believe you went out with that guy.”

I turn to face Lena with a frown. “You think I’m lying?”

“No, not at all.” Lena’s eyes go wide. “But why didn’t you ever tell me before? We’ve known each other for a long time. You’d think this type of information would’ve come up a while ago.”

Lena and I have known each other for over a year, but it never feels easy to tell people about my connection to Jordan Tuttle. Her reaction is the reason why.

No one ever believes me that Jordan and I were together. Oh, they say they believe me, but you know they probably tell their other friends, significant other, whoever, that I’m probably making this up. I mean, seriously.

Who in their right mind would ever turn away Jordan Tuttle?

“It just never came up in conversation.” I shrug.

“Please. I’d shout it from the rooftops.” Lena stares at the television. “He’s sooooo hot. And look! Oh my God, they’re going to have an interview with him Friday night!”

I check the TV to see Jordan sitting in a chair, his dark hair tame, his gaze intense, his smile restrained. That’s his fake smile. I can spot it from a mile away.

“Inside Football premieres its new season this Friday night with an intimate look into the world of superstar quarterback Jordan Tuttle,” the announcer’s voice says.

Please. Jordan is a very private person. He wouldn’t give anyone an intimate look into his world.

“We visit his home in the Sonoma wine country.”

There’s footage of him in jeans and a flannel shirt, walking through a vineyard while chatting with a beautiful female reporter, who stares up at him like a star struck fan.

I roll my eyes.

“And he offers Inside Football a rare glimpse into both his past—and his love life.”

“Do you ever think about the one who got away?” the reporter asks, sounding so very, very serious.