“Well, I don’t care if they recognize me. Some of them know who I am, but most of them don’t care, because they’re from another country. None of that matters, though. You want to know why?” he asks.

People are stopping on the sidewalk to watch him, since it’s not every day this kind of thing happens, you know? The side street our hotel is on isn’t very busy, but there’s a car waiting behind the bus. And then another.

“Why?” I ask when I realize he’s waiting for me.

“Because you’re not with me. Nothing really matters if you’re not by my side. I didn’t realize that until you came back into my life. Before, I was just living. Doing my thing. And it wasn’t bad, you know?” He chuckles into the microphone and I can’t help but laugh too.

I can’t believe he’s doing this.

I never want him to stop talking.

“But then you slid into my DMs and the message you sent me was just so…you. It made my heart ache in the best way.” His voices goes a little deeper, and my own heart wants to melt at his words.

“You make my heart ache in the best way,” he continues. “You said earlier maybe we’re moving too fast, but if I’m being real with you right now, I don’t think we’re moving fast enough.”

I wait for him to continue on, but he remains quiet.

As in, he’s killing me.

“What do you mean?” I finally ask.

He moves the mic away from his face and clears his throat before he resumes talking.

“I love you, Mandy. I will always love you. Till the end of fucking time.” He glances at his captive audience on the bus, his expression sheepish. “Sorry.” Then he looks up at the window. Looks up at me. His eyes, his entire face is shining with emotion. All of it for me. “But it’s true. I know it’s only been a few weeks, but when you’re ready to spend the rest of your life with someone, why not start right now?”

The tears finally flow down my cheeks and I rest my hand over my mouth, trying to contain the sob. “Oh Jordan,” I practically wail.

His brows furrow and he brings the mic so close to his mouth I can hear him breathing. “Get your pretty ass down here right now, Amanda,” he practically growls.

I leave the window. Dart out the room, run down the hall, frantically hit the down button for the elevator. It feels like it takes hours, but I’m finally outside in front of the hotel, and Jordan is standing there waiting for me, the bus directly behind him, a line of traffic filling both sides of the street. The sidewalk is crowded with onlookers too and yep, there’s even two photographers taking photos and calling out Jordan’s name.

He ignores them all. He doesn’t look at anyone else.

Just me.

“I love you,” he whispers as he steps toward me, taking my hands in his. “If this isn’t proof enough, I don’t know what is. I hijacked a tour bus and made an ass of myself in front of everyone on this street, all for you, Mandy.”

I sniff, ready to say I love him too but then he pulls me into his arms and holds me tight, my face pressed against his chest, my tears soaking his shirt. He tangles his fingers in my hair, his mouth at my temple. I’m so overwhelmed, so freaking relieved, all I can do is stand on this sidewalk and cry in Jordan’s arms.

I wait for Amanda to say something. Anything. My entire body is tense, nerves buzzing inside me, making me feel antsy. I grab hold of her slender shoulders and take a step backward, causing her to tilt her head so her gaze meets mine.

Her eyes shine with tears and her cheeks are flushed—and damp. She smiles at me and shakes her head, a little laugh escaping her. “You hijacked a tour bus, Jordan. For me?”

“For you.” I gave the driver a huge tip and when I spoke to his manager on the phone I promised I’d film a commercial for the tour company. I was that desperate to prove my point to Amanda.

I’d do anything for her.


The laughter dies, and she smiles, her eyes glowing. “I love you too,” she whispers. “I’ve loved you for what feels like forever.”

Before she can say something else she’s back in my arms, my mouth fused with hers. The crowd on the sidewalk, on the bus, even the people waiting in their cars start cheering and I can hear the click of the cameras taking our photo.

This is the biggest declaration I can make. She can never doubt me again. I’m in love with Amanda. And she’s in love with me.

“Come on,” I whisper against her lips when I break the kiss seconds later. “Let’s go inside.”

We rush into the hotel lobby, her hand clasped in mine as I lead her over to the elevator, thankful when the doors slide open immediately. We slip inside and I press the number six button, Amanda wrapping her arms around my neck just as the doors slide closed, her mouth on mine before the car even begins its ascent.