“What are you saying, Elonzo? That if I don’t get updates on Elly’s every move, then we aren’t destined to go through with the marriage?” I raised an eyebrow. That was nasty, I knew. But I was in no mood to play nice.

My brother’s face changed instantly. He sat back in the armchair as if to recollect himself.

You’re a piece of work, aren’t you, Sebastian?

“I’m just saying…” Elonzo waved his hands, his trail of thought lost in whatever was going through his head just then. I sighed and pulled out my phone. I showed him my background picture.

“Happy?” I asked, my voice still showing signs of annoyance. This is why you always need a plan so that you can always be prepared. I had Elly and I snap a few photos (in different outfits and locations of course) in the last week so that if anyone asked questions, well, you can’t argue with a photo. I wanted to pat myself on the back for taking the step forward to make the photo from our breakfast the other day as my background image. It was a good photo, one that looked as close to genuine as it could get.

“Sorry. I was just being a bit of a blockhead. I just miss being in love, you know?” Elonzo peered at the photo.

We were never the type to share our feelings with each other. I wasn’t going to encourage him now.

I shrugged and returned my phone to its position on my desk. But just before I placed it face down, I checked the time. Six thirteen p.m.

“You did it again,” Elonzo commented.

I frowned. Sometimes I wished my brother wasn’t so quick with his eyes. One day it could get him into trouble.

He’s not going to leave you alone until you tell him. Might as well give him some catnip.

“I just…I’m waiting for updates from the driver,” I said. “Elly is having surgery today, and I need to know if she’ll be allowed to return home or stay overnight.” I kept my tone nonchalant, avoiding my brother’s eyes.

“Home? Do you mean…she’s living with you? Wow, you guys are moving fast.” Elonzo looked down at his hands.

What is he thinking? Is he scared I’ll be taking over the company by fulfilling our father’s stupid requirement? Because he should be.

I watched him. “Yeah, but you know. Why wait? When you know you’re good together, might as well move forward, right?” I pretended to return to the meeting minutes but inside I could feel a warm glow of gloating beginning to shine through.

“Well, brother, my suggestion to you lovebirds is to not waste your time sitting here with these meeting minutes and go sit by Elly’s side at the hospital,” Elonzo said as he began to stand up.

“I can’t, I have work.”

“Work can wait,” Elonzo tapped his index finger on the documents in front of me. “But I bet Elly would appreciate you being there for her in her most difficult moments.”

Our eyes met. Elonzo looked back at me in earnest. Or was it all a trick to get me out of the office so he could…

Do what, Sebastian? Shred your meeting minutes? The ones no one looks at but you?

“Okay,” I muttered. “Thanks for the tip.”

Elonzo was lingering by the door. “By the way, I never asked. Why the green emerald? I thought our family tradition was diamonds?”

I leaned back in my chair and studied my brother. “I’m a romantic at heart, Elonzo. In Greek mythology, Hermes gifts Aphrodite an emerald. The emerald symbolizes loyalty and hope. And what more do you need in a commitment?” I explained, my eyes not leaving my brother’s.

I would’ve added a comment on being the rebel of the family, but I thought that would just be adding a bit of fluff. Let Elonzo believe I really did believe in all this love stuff; it made for a better profile.

Elonzo nodded slowly. “You’ve matured, Sebastian. I’m proud of you. Now go and see your fiancée in the hospital.”

And with that, he walked back out of my office just as he had come in. No pleasantries. No warning.

I tasted the wordfiancéein my mouth. It tasted sweet and bitter at the same time.



Elly was coming home. Her surgery had gone well, and the moment the hospital administration had confirmed she was well enough to continue her recovery at my home, I had insisted on her being discharged.