“You know exactly like what. Lavina says you look like someone desperate to work for the Godfather.”

“Lavina should…” I began but stopped myself upon seeing my brother’s face change. He raised an eyebrow and seemed to be bracing himself against anything I was going to say against his fiancée. I’d nearly forgotten what a puppy dog he had become under her hand.

“She should come to look at these ornaments that she wanted. They look…off-color,” I offered lamely, using the excuse of the boxes to turn away from my brother’s offended face.I made it to the five-minute mark before getting on the nerves of one member of my family. Is that a new record?

“They’re supposed to look rustic. Lavina says the rustic look is trending on the socials.”

I opened my mouth to comment but closed it again.Just get through tonight. Just get through tonight.

“Well…I guess I should check in.” I was still avoiding my brother’s eyes. Was this how it would always be with us once he put a ring on it?

“I’ll go let Lavina know about the ornaments,” Elonzo said, turning back to the direction in which he’d been heading.

I watched him retreat, a man headed for his execution.Marriage. What an absolute tragedy.

At least one good thing will come out of it, I thought as he turned the corner, disappearing out of sight.Elonzo will be too busy being pulled around on Lavina’s leash that he’ll have very little time to be involved in the family business. I will be able to take the reins, and Father will finally see that I’m the best candidate to take over the business when he retires next year.

I approached the check-in desk. Two women were sat behind it, both of them wearing the standard uniform with the name of the hotel on a tag on their blouses. The woman on the right looked up and smiled, showing a row of very white teeth.

“Good afternoon and welcome to Crown Jewels Resort. My name is Selena. How can I help you?”

Why does Elonzo need marriage when so many women are ready to hang off your every word?I looked Selena over.Hmmm…a little too keen, perhaps.

“I’m here to check in. I’m with the Rojas party.” I spoke nonchalantly, leaning against the reception table but not bothering to look at the receptionist who was still smiling eagerly at me.Desperate.

“The wedding reception, of course. May I take your passport, sir?”

I handed it to her, eliciting an even bigger smile.

I glanced over the lobby. Mostly tourists, some businessmen looking very hot and bothered in their suits and a few people in the lounge…

Well, hello…

“Sebastian Rojas,” Selena read out loud. She almost squealed in the middle of my name. “It’s so nice to have you staying with us, Mr. Rojas.”

Someone in the lobby had caught my attention. A young woman sat by herself at a table closest to the windows, looking out towards the beach. If I had to guess, I would say she looked to be American. I could only see the side of her face, but her features were…elegant…delicate. Smooth skin, a petite nose, and eyes… She turned, almost as if she could feel my gaze upon her. Her eyes were a deep chocolate brown. Two almonds dipped in sweet fondue.

“Your room is ready for you,” the receptionist said. I turned my head away from the mysterious young woman. For now, at least. “You will be staying in the Super Deluxe Room, 303.” Selena’s voice was as enthusiastic as ever. She carefully placed the key card to the room by the desk closest to me.

“Wait…not a suite?” I knew for a fact the Super Deluxe Room at this hotel was inferior to even the simplest of suites. The surprise in my voice was almost disgust.

Selena’s smile wavered. She looked confused. “This is the room that was booked under your name. I’m sorry, would you like me to double-check that I…”

“Yes,” I cut in.

Selena immediately turned to her computer and started clicking away in what seemed to be panic mode. Sensing that this might take a while, I turned to see if I could catch the pretty brunette’s eye again. But no luck. I took a quick survey of the whole lounge but she was gone.

Jeez. About to be placed in some economy room and I’ve already missed out on a pretty girl who could’ve helped get me through the drama of this weekend. I knew coming to this wedding was a mistake.

I glanced at my smartwatch. I had two hundred and twenty-three emails I could be getting on with right now. Not wasting time.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Rojas, but it looks like I do have the correct room. The Super Deluxe, inland view.”

“Inland view?” I almost threw up the words.

This had to be Lavina’s doing. One of her feeble attempts at a joke, putting the brother of her husband-to-be in economy class.Ha-ha, Lavina, ha-ha.

“I am not staying in a cheap room…” I started, my voice hot with fury. There was a movement to my left. I took a quick glance and was taken aback. It was the mystery girl from the lounge!