
I woke up the next morning to feel Liam’s arm around my waist while he snored softly. I paused to savor the feeling of it. Liam was strong and his arm was muscular. But I felt safe with him. It felt like he was going to protect me instead of hurt me. He wants to protect you, remember? That is, if I could believe him.

It felt too good to be true. But what he described sounded exactly like what I wanted. Could a man really want a woman just to protect and take care of? Could a woman who sucks her thumb and plays with a teddy bear just like a kid really be desirable?

Maybe he was trying to manipulate me. But surely there would be easier women to trick with his good looks and general charm. Women that wouldn’t make him walk in freezing weather in the middle of the night.

I bit my lip. I wasn’t sure what to do.

I knew the second Lian woke up because he stopped snoring and he muttered a few swears under his breath before carefully removing his arm from around me. I turned over to look at him.

Liam looked wary. “I didn’t mean to wake you up,” he said. “And I swear I didn’t put my arm around you on purpose. It must have happened when I was asleep.”

“I believe you,” I said.

“How are you feeling this morning?” he asked. His brow furrowed. “Did I freak you out last night?”

“You mean when you attacked the receptionist or when you told me you wanted to be my Daddy?”

He grimaced and looked away. “I’m a complete asshole, aren’t I?”

“No,” I said. “Honestly, I feel comfortable with you. I’m probably insane, but I trust you.”

He smiled softly. “You have no idea how happy that makes me.”

I bit my lip. “If you were my Daddy, would you punish me?”

“If you broke a rule, yes,” he said. “But it wouldn’t be bad. It could be time-outs. No spankings or anything like that, not if it hurts you.” He studied me intently. “Does this mean you’re considering it? Do you really want to be my Little? Because I need you to be sure. And I won’t be upset if the answer is no. You have to understand that.”

I think I did. So far he had been wonderful and sweet. I believed him when he said he wouldn’t be angry at me. After all, he hadn’t gotten angry with me yet, and I had tested him quite a bit, especially last night. “I want to be your Little… Daddy.” A small shiver went down my spine when I said that.

His eyes darkened with lust as soon as the words left my mouth and he smiled. I mentally prepared myself for him to kiss me or to even start undressing me, but instead he just intertwined his fingers in mine. “I promise I’ll take good care of you, little one,” he said. “For as long as you want me to.”

We lied like that for awhile before finally we had to get up. Both of us were reluctant to leave the comfort and warmth of the bed, but I needed to call a tow truck and he needed to collect his bike.

Together, we walked back to the car. Liam lent me his jacket again, even though it was a little warmer now that it was morning. “After we get your car straightened out, let me take you home,” he said. He shivered a little as a breeze hit him, but I knew it was futile to try to offer him back his jacket. He had already insisted I take it. “I can call you a cab at least,” he said. “That way you won’t have to ride on my bike.”

“I-I can try it,” I said, biting my lip. The thought of riding on a motorcycle again made me nervous, but I had agreed to be his Little and had slept in the same bed with him. I might as well take this extra step.

He raised an eyebrow but seemed to accept it. “Okay, but let me know if you want to stop, okay?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl.”

A happy thrill ran through me when he said that. It made me grin. I liked being his good girl.

Liam seemed to notice it because he smirked a little when he saw me like that.

After we called the tow truck and had my car towed to the local mechanic, I got on Liam’s motorcycle. I chewed my lip, feeling nervous. Liam handed me his helmet. “I’ll go slow,” he said. “Just keep your arms around my waist. If you want me to stop, tap my stomach and I’ll pull over. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I whispered.

“Good girl.” He zipped my leather jacket up all the way. “The jacket will protect you from cuts and scrapes in case you fall off. It shouldn’t be a problem, though.”

Even though it was unlikely I would fall, I still loved how he took care of me. It felt nice.