
I was a monster. I couldn’t believe I had done that in front of Harley. She was already terrified of me and now she had seen me lose my temper. And she called me sir.

God, I hated that word. Everyone in the club did. We often raided the Demon brothels to rescue as many women as we could. And without fail, they always called us sir while begging for their lives. “Please don’t kill me, sir,” they would say. “I’ll be good, sir. I’ll do whatever you want, sir.”

The word practically haunted us. And I scared Harley so badly, she tried to submit to me like she had to with the Demons.

We walked to her hotel room in silence. “I’m sorry,” I said when we reached her door. “I’m so sorry for scaring you. I shouldn’t have… I should have been better.” I handed her the room key. “Don’t worry. You won’t ever have to see me again. I’ll leave you alone.”

“I said it because I knew it would get a reaction out of you,” she said. “That’s all. If you were going to hurt me, you had plenty of opportunities by now.”

“Even if that’s true, I shouldn’t have put you in that position. I shouldn’t have lost control in front of you.”

She gave me a weak smile. “It’s fine,” she said. “It’s late and we’re both tired. Honestly, I don’t have the energy to talk about it tonight. But you should come in.”

“That’s not a good idea.” I needed to leave before I scared her further.

“You’re freezing. It’s below freezing and you’ll have to walk a mile back before you reach your bike.”

I knew she was right. My hands and arms were numb from the cold. But that wasn’t her problem. “I’m fine,” I said. “I don’t even feel the cold anymore.”

She raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t stop you from getting frostbite.”

“Harley, you’re terrified of me. All night you’ve been trying to get rid of me. Why do you want me to come into your motel room?”

She bit her lip. “I don’t think you’ll hurt me,” she said. “Not anymore. Like I said, you’ve had plenty of opportunities to hurt me but you haven’t. You’ve been patient with me and the only reason you lost control back there was because you were defending me.”

“If it wasn’t for me, your car wouldn’t have broken down and you would be safe in your apartment right now.”

She smirked. “You know, you spend a lot of time trying to convince me you’re the bad guy.”

“Just because I’m not a Demon doesn’t mean I’m a saint.” Tonight made that painfully clear.

“Are you planning on hurting me tonight? Using me for your own pleasure?”

“Of course not.”

“Then please come in. I don’t want you to lose fingers to frostbite.”

Finally, I nodded. She was insisting on it, after all. And I wouldn’t hurt her. She was right about that.

Harley opened the door, revealing a plain but clean motel room with one bed. “I’ll find some extra bedding for you,” she said as we went in. “You should take a hot shower. You’re freezing.”

I nodded. A hot shower sounded good. “Thank you,” I said.

“Don’t mention it.” She gave me a slight smile.

I couldn’t believe she was trusting me this much. But I was happy she was. I wanted her to trust me. I wanted to make her feel safe and comforted and protected. If I was really honest, I wanted her as my Little. But I wouldn’t ever tell her that. Even if she was a Little, she would never want a biker as a Daddy.

I went to take a shower. The hot water warmed me up, putting feeling back into my feet and arms. After I finished and dried off, I was feeling better and much more relaxed. I dressed before leaving the bathroom. I stopped as I looked at Harley, sitting on the bed. She was hugging her knees to her chest and staring off into space while sucking her thumb. She looked so cute and so frightened. I wished I could comfort her but I knew I was the source of her fear. And that made it so much worse. “I should leave,” I said.

She jerked in surprise at the sound of my voice, her thumb falling out of her mouth. She flushed. “I’m sorry,” she said. “Biting my nails is a nervous habit.”

I smiled slightly. “You weren’t biting your nails. You were sucking your thumb. Do you really think that would bother me?”

She bit her lip. “I mean, it is pretty childish.”