Page 31 of The Stripe Zone


After tightening the final bolt, Rev nodded at his motorcycle with pride. He knew it wasn’t the best-looking bike, not the fastest, but it was his, and that was all that really mattered when it came down to it. There wasn’t a part on that bike he hadn’t put a tool to at one time or another.

An approaching motorcycle caught his attention and pulled him from his thoughts. He knew immediately by the deep beat of the engine that it was Eddie’s bike.

“You always manage to show up at the perfect time. Right when I no longer need help, and I’m about to have a beer. You want one?”

“Sure! You know I can’t let you drink alone. Besides, that’s what friends are for. Right? As far as that bike … well, as much time and money as you have wasted on that piece of garbage, you could’ve built three custom bikes by now. When are you going to give it up?”

Rev crossed his garage to the refrigerator and tossed Eddie a bottle. “Give it up? This bike and me have a relationship. We’re in it together for the long haul. For better or worse.”

Eddie flipped the bottlecap into a bin and slugged down a drink. “Seems mostly worse, like in breakdown or overhaul. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but she’s way too old for you and full of problems. If you ask me, you and that bike are in a toxic relationship.”

“Always a smartass. I know you’re just jealous.”

“Speaking of staying busy, how bad did that storm hit out here?” Eddie asked, gazing out through the garage door.

“Bad enough. The narrows got nearly washed out.” Rev paused, thoughtfully taking a drink of his beer. He wanted to bring up his newfound relationship with Hallie, but he wanted to make sure Eddie knew she wasn’t just some casual fling. He had high hopes for something serious with her.

“You look lost in thought, man. You all right?” Eddie asked.

“Yeah. I was just going to tell you about something that happened during that storm. But I want you to know that I’m dead serious about what I’m about to tell you.”

“No problem. Shoot, man,” Eddie said, looking a bit confused about what Rev was about to say.

“There was a woman from Lafayette out here doing some research on the bayou. Anyway, she got turned around on the back roads and caught in the storm. When everything flooded, she was stranded on this side of the narrows for a while. She was stranded with nowhere to go, and the water was rising all around her. So, I helped her out and let her stay here, with me, for a couple of days.”

“A woman?” Eddie asked, his interest clearly piqued.

“Yeah, her name is Hallie. I have to tell you, she is really something special. I’m not even sure if I can explain it or if I’ve even figured it out myself. But we more than hit it off. It’s like she’s the one for me. I know it sounds crazy. I don’t know.”

“Hmm. Like finding you mate? What, is she a tiger?” Eddie asked.

“No, that’s the thing. She’s human. So, it’s not a mating thing. But at the same time, I can’t think of being with anyone else. Is that crazy or what? I’ve never had this feeling about any woman before. I can’t get my mind off of her.”

“Maybe. You sure you haven’t just been out here too long by yourself that you are hoping for more than what is actually there? Like confusing lust for love?”

“Come on, man. I’m not some teenager who’s wet behind the ears. I know the difference. The best way I can describe it is that there was an instant spark between us. And it’s been growing since.”

Eddie finished off his beer and tossed the bottle into the bin. “Gerri strikes again,” he mumbled under his breath.

Rev’s superior hearing caught exactly what Eddie said. He just didn’t know what he meant. “Wait, what did you say about Gerri?”

“Huh? Oh, nothing. Must be the beer and the humidity making me slur my words.”

“No. Don’t bullshit me. You said, ‘Gerri strikes again.’ Now, you’re going to tell me who Gerri is and why you brought her up after I told you about Hallie. Is she the woman I met that day we stopped on our way out to the Quarter? You had some wolf business or some shit? Are we talking about the same Gerri?”

Eddie let out an anguished sigh. “Oh, man. Damn it. All right. Yes, it’s the same Gerri. She’s … well, she’s the one who helped me and Sierra find each other.”

“So, is she a mutual friend or something?” Rev asked, unsure where Eddie was going with his point.

Eddie groaned. “Um … she’s a matchmaker. Okay?”

Rev felt a stabbing feeling in his gut. He knew what was going on. But he needed to hear it all from Eddie. “Gerri, the woman you introduced me to, is a matchmaker? Like someone who arranges matings for shifters?”

Eddie couldn’t even force himself to look his friend in the eye. “Yeah. Exactly.”

“And why did you mention her just now. Be honest with me, Eddie.”