Because I can barely stay sane. I’m mean to her sometimes, even though I regret it later because I didn’t mean it. I’m unstable. My mood, my want to have her around, my happiness, it’s shifting all the time. She deserves better than that. She deserves stability. Until I feel like I can give her even a fraction of that, I’m not budging on asking her out. How can I seriously consider it when I’m not in a good place right now? She’s going to stay Olivia, my friend and the girl who can use her see-into-my-soul abilities to help me.

“You’ve already put me through enough today with the football, Olivia. Don’t start a round two. I need an answer before I finish changing my mind.” I lean my head back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. I swear, one of these days, I’m going to stop looking at it. There’s no way normal people do this as often as I do.

“Well, it depends.”

At this, I lift my head and rest my gaze on her. “What are you talking about?”

“Are you against all sports or only football?”

What does that have to do with anything? “I’m not against all of them. I think,” I add, in case I need a way out of whatever she wants me to do.

She smiles, like she caught on to my loophole. “Ricky, Chelsea’s boyfriend, plays baseball and she wants me to go with her to see him play today. First game of the season. Do you want to go with me?”

Crash the day she’s hanging out with her friend? No, thanks. “No, that’s ok

ay. Go have fun with Chelsea.”

“I thought you wanted to do something with me? Why are you saying no? Chelsea wouldn’t mind. In fact, she’ll be thrilled at the opportunity to embarrass me and get to know you better.”

“Does she like me?” Do I care whether or not her best friend likes me? If she approves of me?

“Yeah, so far, she does. Are you coming?”

“I guess,” I sigh.

Olivia smiles, giving me a quick kiss before standing up. “Good. I’ll drive. We leave in five minutes. I have to run to my apartment first.”

It isn’t until she’s almost to my door that what she said clicks. “Wait a damn second, Olivia. You aren’t driving,” I object, turning to face her.

“You always drive.”

“Because you can’t without almost killing us.”

I should’ve known her grin was evil. “Live a little, Corey,” she replies before leaving me.

“I’M WALKING HOME,” I declare as we walk through the bleachers towards Chelsea. Olivia laughs. I almost died. Three times. First, she pulled out in front of an eighteen-wheeler. I saw my brief, sad life pass before my eyes as she gunned the gas. Then, she came within inches of rear-ending someone. Let’s not forget she almost hit a pedestrian in the parking lot.

“You’re overreacting, Corey.”

I am not. I don’t have time to tell her so before we’re sitting next to Chelsea. She smiles and we exchange greetings.

“I didn’t know you were coming, Corey. It’s good to see you again.”

“You too.” Why am I here again? I’m not a conversationalist. How am I supposed to survive an entire baseball game with two girls? Clearing my throat, I tack on, “Which position does he play?”

“Shortstop. What have you two lovebirds been doing today?”

Lovebirds? Olivia saves me from answering as she takes my hand. “I’ve been doing homework all day. Corey’s being a baby about my driving.”

Chelsea laughs. “How many near-death experiences did you have on the way here?” she asks me.

“Three.” The corners of my mouth lift a little. I’m not the only one who thinks Olivia is a hazard on the road.

Olivia rolls her eyes as Chelsea responds, “I’m surprised it was only three.”

“Can we talk about something else already?” Olivia inserts.
