Page 17 of Cowboy Ever After

She laughed, and the sound rippled over him like water flowing over stones in a babbling brook. “No, not really. I’m teasing you. Has anything in our limited time together led you to think I may have loads of experience using a chainsaw?”

He chuckled with her. “I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.” She grinned at him. “I can slash paragraphs and prune bad prose, and I’ve even been known to hack out a flat character. But the closest I’ve come to operating a chainsaw would probably be the electric knife I’ve used occasionally at holidays to slice a ham.”

“Hacked out a flat character?”

She lifted one shoulder as her smile turned mischievous. “Writer humor. We love clever word play.”

He shook his head. This woman did amuse him. “This doesn’t look too bad. I should be able to cut it out pretty easily.”

“What’s that?” She shielded her eyes as she pointed across the field.

He followed her gaze to a large red and white object stuck in the fence. “It looks like an empty feed bag. Must have blown off one time when I was out here feeding the cows.”

“Why don’t I make myself useful and go grab it while you work on this branch?”

“Sure, that would be great. And the dogs would love the run.”

She whistled for the pups and started across the field. “Be back in a minute.”

“Watch out for cow pies,” he called.

“What’s a cow pie?”

“You’ll see.” He turned back to the branch, then chuckled to himself as he heard her groan of discovery.

“Never mind. I figured it out,” she called back to him.

He was still smiling a few minutes later as he finished cutting the broken branch from the fence and turned to check on her progress.

Oh no!His smile turned into laughter as he watched Kaylee make her way back across the field, the feed bag securely clutched in her hand.

Hehadto tell her.

But he knew she wasn’t going to be laughing when she turned around and saw the parade of cows trotting after her hoping she had feed in that bag.

Jennie Marts's Novels