Page 22 of Cowboy Ever After

Schedule? The word rankled him, like he was supposed to entertain her or something. “Nothing. I’ve got some errands to run so I was going to go into town this afternoon. I need to stop at the feed store and grab a couple of things at Milligan’s.”

“What’s Milligan’s?”

“Milligan’s Mercantile. It’s like a general store. The owners, Bud and Pearl Milligan have been running it forever. Faye and I both spent a couple of summers working there. It’s one of those stores that has just about anything you could need—from a fly rod and a new pair of waders to first aid to cowboy hats and boots. I need a couple pairs of work gloves and some duct tape.”

“Would you like some company?”

“Nah. I’m good. You can stick around here. I’m sure you’ve got some writerly stuff to do.”

“Ialwayshave writerly stuff to do. But if it’s okay, I’d really like to tag along.”

A spark of gladness lit in him that she wanted to hang out with him.

“I’d like to see more of the town,” she continued. “For my research. Besides stopping at the grocery store, I really just drove through. But going with you might give me a chance to see the true inner workings of the community.”

“Oh yeah. Sure.” Of course it was about the book. Not abouthim.Which is how it should be, his rational brain tried to tell him. This was her job. So what was going on with him that he was even thinking it shouldn’t be?

“What about the dogs?” She glanced down to where both dogs were sprawled out, sound asleep on the floor.

“I think we’ll leave them home this time. They both look beat. Did you know your dog snores like a lumberjack?”

“Yes. But it’s unladylike to point it out.” She picked up her plate. “Can I help you put these in the dishwasher?”

“That would be great. If I had a dishwasher.”

“You don’t have a dishwasher?”

“Hard to believe, huh? We only just got indoor plumbing a few years ago.”

Her eyes widened then her lips curved into a smile. “Very funny.”

“Don’t worry about it. We can leave them in the sink, and I’ll wash them up with the supper dishes.”

“Okay.” She put her plate to the sink then washed her hands and dried them on the towel. “I’ll be ready to go in ten.”

“It’s a ways into town. You sure that’ll give you enough time to pack for the trip?”

“Smart aleck,” she said, tossing the towel at him.

Jennie Marts's Novels