Page 33 of Cowboy Ever After

“You let me worry about what’s taking up space in my head and just focus on getting that hamburger started,” Luke grumbled at the other man. “We’ve got plenty to do without you worrying about what I’m thinking. Although right now I’m thinking we have a lot to do in a short amount of time.”

“I’d be glad to help,” Kaylee offered. “Just tell me what to do and put me to work.”

“You don’t have to,” Luke said at the same time Dean was handing her a cutting board and a head of lettuce.

“That’d be great,” Dean said. “We’ve got to shred this and chop up tomatoes and onions.”

“I’ll start grating the cheese,” Emma said, as if this were her normal task. She found a grater and bowl in the cupboard then climbed onto one of the stools next to the counter. Both she and her dad moved easily around the kitchen, grabbing things from cupboards and drawers with the familiarity earned from spending a lot of time there.

She patted the stool next to her. “You can sit next to me, Kaylee.”

“Okay.” She set the cutting board on the counter then waded into the kitchen, squeezing between the two men to wash her hands and the head of lettuce. Gladys was usually the only other one in the kitchen with her when she occasionally cooked, and she shrunk her shoulders in, trying not to bump into Luke or Dean.

Luke leaned in next to her, using the stream of water from the faucet to rinse a couple of tomatoes. “You don’t have to do this. We can handle it if you want to go write or something.”

“No, I said I want to help, and I meant it.” She tried not to start every time the back of his hand brushed against hers.

Even though there was a part of her that wanted to retreat to her bedroom and hide away, there was another part, the newer Sassy-inspired part that wanted to be part of the group and to help prepare the meal.

This was another thing she wrote about in her books but didn’t really have any experience with. Her hand itched to take notes as her mind went crazy with phrases and thoughts about the bump of elbows, the passing of tools and ingredients, and the feel of the jostling of positions as several people tried to work in the kitchen together. It wasn’t just the choreography of the people; it was also the sound of meat sizzling and the scent of garlic and chili powder hanging in the air.

The radio in the kitchen had been playing softly, and Emma bounced in her chair as a new song started. “Oh, I love this song. Turn it up, Dad.”

Dean and Luke groaned together as if this were a familiar ritual.

“Come on,” Emma told them. “You know this one too.”

Kaylee recognized the upbeat lyrics and Pink’s distinct voice and offered a sideways glance at Luke. “You know this song?”

He shrugged, but she caught the slight redness that bloomed on his neck. “Not really.”

“Yes you do,” Emma said. “We all sang it last week in the truck when we were taking that load of hay out to the pasture.”

“Fine,” he grumbled and quietly sang along with the next few lines.

“Come on, Luke,” Emma urged. “You know this part.”

“Yeah, Luke,” Dean said, nudging his buddy in the ribs. “Don’t make me show you up on the chorus.” He and his daughter joined voices and belted out the lead up to the chorus.

Kaylee pressed her lips together to keep from laughing. She was dying to see if Luke, the brooding cowboy she’d spent the last few days with, would actually join in on the catchy song.

He raised an eyebrow at her, almost as if she were daring him and he was debating taking the bait, then he opened his mouth and in perfect harmony, crooned the entire chorus with Dean and Emma.

Kaylee’s mouth curved into a broad smile as her foot tapped and her hips came dangerously close to swaying. She loved this song and knew every word. She cracked up as Dean completely flubbed the next line, mixing up the words and purposely going off-key.

Emma had jumped off the stool and was using the cheese grater as a microphone. She raced to Kaylee’s side and held the grater up to her mouth. Kaylee drew back, vigorously shaking her head. “No, not me.”

“Come on, you know this part,” Emma said. “I know you do.Everyoneknows this song.”

The past few days Kaylee had been stepping outside her comfort zone, pushing the boundaries of her comfortable box. But singingout loudwith what were essentially strangers was more than she could manage.

What would Sassy do?

Dang it.Sassy would jump on the counter and do an air guitar solo.

The lyrics were building to the next chorus. Kaylee knew the next part…but she couldn’t seem to open her mouth.

What’s the worst that could happen?Sassy’s voice resonated inside her head.So what if you make a fool of yourself? You’re leaving in a few days, and you’ll never see these people again.

Jennie Marts's Novels