Page 39 of Cowboy Ever After

Luke watched Kaylee with the old man. His eyes widened as he caught Bear actually chuckling with her. He didn’t think that man smiled at anyone anymore, let alone offered them a laugh.

What were the two of them talking about?

It must be something funny the way they were both smiling at each other. Not many people had the guts to sit down across from Bear. And not many could coax a smile or a laugh out of him.

But Kaylee wasn’t just anyone. He was realizing that more and more. She was different. Special. She saw things in a unique way. And for someone who claimed to spend all her time alone, she really cared about people.

“Thanks for letting me tag along tonight,” Kaylee told Luke as they pulled up in front of the house later that night.

“I should be thanking you. You were a lot of help. It was a good night.” He lifted the grocery tote from the seat between them then opened the truck door. “And we came away with just enough leftovers to cover us for lunch tomorrow.”

The sound of crickets filled the warm summer air, and the back of Luke’s hand brushed hers, not once, but twice as they walked from the truck to the house. Both times had sent butterflies spinning and tumbling through Kaylee’s stomach.

But her butterfly-filled stomach pitched as they walked up the steps of the porch and saw Luke’s front door standing ajar.

“What the devil?” His voice was low as he moved to position himself between Kaylee and the door.

Cooper and Gladys had been walking beside them. The hair on the back of Kaylee’s neck raised as both dogs froze, their bodies alert.

Cooper let out a low growl.

Without thinking, Kaylee grabbed Luke’s hand and gripped it tightly. She let out a tiny yelp as the sound of a crash came from inside.

Jennie Marts's Novels