Page 57 of Cowboy Ever After

Chapter Fifteen

The Elks Lodge was crowded and rang with noise and laughter as they walked through the doors. Several people waved to Luke, and Kaylee noticed a few curious stares. In a community this close-knit, there was bound to be a little talk concerning one of its most eligible bachelors.

Kaylee kind of liked the idea of being the object of curiosity—she couldn’t think of a time when she had been before. Sure, she’d done some book signings where readers had shown up to meet her. But this felt different. As if their whispers were questions about if she and Luke were involved—romantically. That felt all new. And if she were honest—a little exciting.

They got in line and were handed paper plates filled with scrambled eggs, sausage links, and a short stack of pancakes. Luke’s hand on her back was warm as he guided her toward an empty table.

“I’ll grab us some drinks,” he said, setting his plate down. “Coffee or juice?”

She set her plate next to his and took the napkins and plastic cutlery he held out. “Coffee. With—”

“I know. Two sugars and a splash of cream. I watch you make it every morning,” he told her with a grin and a wink before heading toward the drinks table.

She picked up the little container of syrup and poured it on her pancakes, surprised at how delighted she felt inside that he knew how she took her coffee. It was such a simple thing, yet felt personal. Intimate—like a couple thing.

Or maybe just a good host thing. Or a friend thing.

Oh be quiet, she told her inner pessimist. Couldn’t she just enjoy this moment? Even if she was deluding herself? Shewasprobably making too much out of a small gesture. Luke’s happy mood and a few minutes of hand-holding did not turn them into a couple. But it was fun to dream.

She’d made it halfway through her stack of lukewarm pancakes by the time Luke got back with the coffee.

“How are they?” he asked, setting the small paper cup on the table and dropping into the seat next to her.

“Best pancakes I’ve ever eaten.”

“Wow. Either your standards are super low, or you haven’t sampled many pancakes.”

She shrugged and offered him a coy smile. “Maybe it’s the company.”

Oh my heavens. Where had that flirty flirt come from? Had she been channeling Sassy so much lately that the character’s voice just popped out of her mouth? Or was that actually her?

Luke grinned back then grimaced as he shoved a bite of pancakes in his mouth. He took a sip of coffee to wash them down. “I was flattered there for a second. Now I know the flap-jack bar’s been set pretty low.”

Their conversation was cut off as two women walked up to their table. “Would it be okay if we sit with you?” the younger one asked as she pulled out a chair across from them.

“Course,” Luke said, tipping his head to the women. “Betty. Linda-May. How you ladies doing?”

“We’re doing just fine, Luke. Thanks for asking,” the older one answered absently as she sat down and scooted her chair closer to Kaylee. “I’m so honored to meet you, Miss Collins. I’m Betty Thomas, and this is my friend, Linda-May Baker. We’re big fans of your books.”

“Oh,” Kaylee said, reaching for her coffee as she tried to swallow the bite of eggs she’d just taken. She’d assumed they sat down to talk to Luke. She wiped her mouth with a napkin. “Nice to meet you. Please call me Kaylee.”

The two women smiled at each other, and Linda-May’s shoulders relaxed. “We didn’t want to interrupt your breakfast. We just wanted to tell you how much your books mean to us.”

“I read three of them while I sat next to my husband’s hospital bed last year when he was battling cancer. They really helped to give me a lovely place to escape to when things were so tough and all I could do was sit and wait while Saul slept.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear about your husband,” Kaylee said.

“He’s okay now. We just celebrated our fiftieth wedding anniversary. But for a while there, I wasn’t sure we were going to make it.”

Kaylee nodded. “Because of the cancer.”

Betty shook her head and gave Kaylee a wry grin. “No, because the man’s a cantankerous old cuss and can try my last nerve.” Her smiled softened. “But I love him anyway. He may not be as romantic or as devilishly handsome as that Duke Ramsey of yours, but he does scrape the windshield of my car when it snows and rubs my shoulders while we watch television, so I guess I’ll keep him around.”

“Well I have to think up those romantic gestures of Duke’s, but it sounds like your Saul does them all on his own,” Kaylee told her. “So that’s way better than my book.”

Betty smiled and sat a little taller in her chair as Linda-May leaned forward. “I’m a big fan too. Although up until a few years ago, I’d never even read a romance book. Then I was scheduled to go on a trip to visit my sister in Kansas City, and I was terrified to fly. Betty stuck one of your books in my bag and made me promise to read it as soon as I got on the plane. I can remember my hands were shaking as I opened it, then I ended up reading it for the whole flight. I enjoyed it so much, and it totally took my mind off the fact that I was in a giant tin can in the sky. I’ve been a huge fan ever since.”

“Oh goodness. That’s amazing.” Kaylee wasn’t sure how to respond. She noticed another woman standing a few feet away who seemed to be listening to their conversation.

Jennie Marts's Novels