Page 72 of Cowboy Ever After

Chapter Nineteen

Bzzt bzzt.

Luke’s phone buzzed in his pocket.Seriously?

He considered ignoring it—he wasnevergoing to get to kiss this woman. But he didn’t get a lot of phone calls. He should probably at least check to see if it was something important. If it was a call about his car’s warranty, he was going to chuck the thing across the barn and finally give Kaylee the kiss he’d been dreaming about.

He sighed as he pulled it free. “It’s Dean,” he told her, checking the screen. “I’d better take it.”

“Yes, go ahead.”

He touched the screen and then held the phone to his ear. “Hey Dean.”

“Hey Luke. Sorry to bug you, but I need a favor.”

“Name it.”

“This cow is still struggling and I’m waiting on the vet to show, but Emma’s just finishing up at soccer camp. Any chance you can run into town and pick her up for me and bring her home?”

“Sure, no problem. When do you need me to pick her up?”

“About three minutes ago.”

“I’m on my way,” he said, already heading toward his truck. “Call her and tell her I’ll be there in five.”

He snapped his phone shut then turned back to Kaylee as he opened his truck door. “I’ve got to pick up Emma. Dean’s stuck, and I don’t want her waiting by herself.”

“I heard. Go.”

“Will you be okay?”

She waved him on. “I’ll be fine. I’ll stay right here and keep the horses company.”

“It shouldn’t take me but ten minutes to get there, drop her off and be back.”

“Really. I’m fine,” she assured him. “I’ll stay right here. And I’ll even give Scarlett a sugar cube for her patience.”

He had one foot in the cab when he paused and leaned his head through the space between the truck and the open door. “Hey, Kaylee?”


“There’s another reason I want you to stay.”

She cocked her head to the side, the flirty move sending butterflies careening through his gut. “Yeah, what’s that?”

“Because make no mistake, one of these days, Idoplan on kissing you.”


He slid into the truck and started the engine, grinning at the image of her standing next to the horse, her eyes wide and her mouth open in a perfect O.

Kaylee finally shut her mouth, but she couldn’t stop smiling as Luke pulled out of the driveway and onto the road. “Well that was unexpected,” she told the horse. “But I liked it.”

Scarlett lowered her head and let out a whinny as if agreeing with her.

“And it sounds like I’m going to stay for a bit.” She was sure Faye wouldn’t be happy about the change of plans. Even though it had been her editor’s idea to come to Montana, she was pretty sure she hadn’t meant for Kaylee to want to stay.

It wasn’t easy to get a lunch with her publisher, and she wasn’t excited to tell Faye they’d have to reschedule. But this felt more important—like something shehadto do.

Jennie Marts's Novels