Page 83 of Cowboy Ever After

Chapter Twenty-Two

Kaylee declined Dean’s offer to help her into the house. She just wanted to find Luke and straighten out this whole mess. She prayed he’d forgive her and want to start again as she hurried up the porch steps, ignoring the pain in her cut leg. Thankfully she hadn’t needed stitches for it too. The bandage pulled and tugged on the skin with each step, but nothing would deter her from getting to Luke.

The sound of Dean’s truck driving away barely registered as she pulled open the front door and rushed inside. Gladys came running from her bedroom and pranced at her feet as she searched the house, calling out as she moved from the living room down the hall. “Luke, I’m back. I’m sorry. I was wrong. I was just afraid.”

But Luke wasn’t there. The house was empty.

Crestfallen, she trudged into her room and sank down onto the edge of the bed. All her fantasies of rushing into the house and him taking her into his arms evaporated. Just like him.

“Luke, where are you?” she called out into the empty rooms.

Gladys jumped on the bed and tried to crawl into her lap and lick the bandage on her head. “I’m okay girl,” she assured the dog as she pulled her phone from her pocket and tried to call Luke.

Bzzt. Bzzt.

She felt the vibration behind her as the phone rang in her ear. Turning around, she spotted Luke’s phone tucked in next to her pillow. What the heck? What was it doing in here?

She picked it up and held it to her chest. He’d been in her room, and it must have fallen out of his pocket while he was sitting on the bed. That seemed like a good sign, right?

She hadn’t been paying much attention when Dean had dropped her off, but now she remembered seeing Luke’s truck parked by the barn when they’d driven in. That’s what had made her think he was home. He must be out in the barn, probably feeding the cows or doing something with the horses.

Catching a look at herself in the mirror above the dresser, she cringed as she pushed to her feet. Dried blood was crusted across the shoulder and neck of her shirt. Mascara smudges were under her eyes, and her hair had dried in a frizzy tangle where she’d tried to wash it in the sink at the hospital.

As much as she wanted to see him, it was worth taking a few minutes to clean up and change clothes—she wanted to win him back, not scare him away. She hurried into the bathroom and washed her face and dragged a brush through her hair. Smoothing it back, she gathered it into a ponytail then pulled on a clean shirt, joggers, and tennis shoes.

Tucking both their phones in her pockets, she headed for the front door. “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” she told the corgi as she tossed her a treat. “Wish me luck that Luke will forgive me and still want me to stay.”

Gladys let out a tiny yip before gobbling down her treat, which Kaylee took as the dog’s blessing.

Except the corgi’s wish didn’t matter because the barn was empty too. As was Max’s stall and the spot where Luke’s saddle usually sat. He must have taken the horse for a ride. She had a feeling he’d taken the horse and the dog up to his thinking spot.

Now all she could do was wait. Scarlett was in her stall, and the horse plodded over and leaned her head over the gate. Luke must have taken her saddle and bridle off and put them away. “No hard feelings, huh?” she told the horse as she fed her a sugar cube. Scarlett nestled her head into Kaylee’s side.

Kaylee left the barn and walked toward the pond. Maybe she could meet Luke as he came down the mountain. She gazed up at the imposing peak then around the farm at its base. It was so beautiful here. She could hear the whisper of grasses as the breeze spread across the bright green pastures, the pattern of crops and fields reminding her of a patchwork quilt.

She could smell the earthy scent of freshly turned dirt and the hint of pine from the trees marching up the side of the mountain. The sun dappled off the gentle lapping water of the pond, and Kaylee couldn’t help but smile as she watched the mother goose swimming across it, her fuzzy goslings paddling happily along behind her.

Her musings were interrupted by the thunder of hooves and crashing of branches. She took a step back as a black horse came charging out of the trees and galloped toward her.


As frightened as she was of the galloping horse, she was more terrified of his empty saddle.What happened to Luke?

“Whoa,” she called, raising her hands as she took a step closer. The horse slowed but his eyes were wild, and he seemed in obvious distress. “It’s okay, boy.” She spoke softly, trying to soothe the frightened horse as she reached for the reins hanging loose around his neck.

He seemed to settle as she ran her hands gently over his neck. “What happened? Where’s Luke?”

She jerked her head up as she heard frantic barking, and Cooper shot out of the trees in the same place the horse had. He raced to her, his barking ramping up even more. The dog circled around her legs then ran back toward the mountain, stopping once to look back at her as if to make sure she was following.

She might not always know how to talk or act around people, but she understood dogs perfectly. And this one was definitely giving her a message. Something had happened to Luke—she was sure of it.

Every instinct told her to run after the dog. But she’d been up that path, and she knew how rocky and steep it was. It would take her forever to try to run up it. And that was if she could remember exactly where it was.

She turned to Max and looked him in the eye. Her heart hammered at the thought of getting on the huge horse—she’d just left the emergency room after getting bucked off the last one she’d gotten on. But she had to do this. For Luke.

Her mind automatically reached out for Sassy’s courage.

No.Not this time.

Jennie Marts's Novels